SCU for performing arts

My D has been accepted to SCU in theatre and dance. She’s also been accepted to several other performing arts programs that are more selective (her top choice at this point being Chapman).

At this point, no school has given us enough aid to make it feasible. SCU is interesting to us because it offers talent aid, but she is wary as there is no audition process and she’d rather be in the LA area.

She has been severely depressed during COVID lockdown & her grades, never the highest, (though she is at a top and highly competitive high school) have dropped. She has highish test scores, especially considering she took the ACT at the height of her depression without studying- not that the colleges know that. But the scores aren’t slam dunk range. I post this info because I’m just not sure that she can get it together enough to raise her GPA and be in a better position to advocate for academic merit from Chapman. And I don’t think her prospects are great for most of her RD schools given the circumstances.

So, I say all that simply to ask what people know about the theatre and dance department at SCU. Do students have opportunities there? How talented are the students? Do they move on to acting, dance, etc careers?