Hi guys so I’m new to college confidential and I saw a post where people posted these things for San Diego State
Major :
Current school :
Admission Status:
and I’d like to start another thread like that for this transfer! You can include anything else you want to say as well. Let’s talk about this process and help each other out 
Major : linguistics
GPA :2.4 (bad I know but after the semester hoping for a 2.7)
Current school : sdcity
Admission Status: haven’t applied yet but will soon.
I actually enjoyed this site last semester when I applied for state. I was happy, mad, scared all at the same time time while looking at this site lol! I applied but was denied because of problems I was having with my sdsu gpa at that time but was getting it straighten out so I did an appeal. While I was waiting to hear back I was taking my last major requirement but I started to fall behind in the class and ended up failing it then June came and I got an email from state saying I got accepted and I cried like a baby lol. But now Im retaking the class and not giving up on myself! Good luck to everyone! Oh and I have my associates!
Is this for class of 2018?
Will SDSU accept if your missing 1-2 pre major classes?
Well it depends on your situation. like if you need another semester (after this up coming spring) to finish those two courses then i dont think you would be accepted but If those two courses aren’t available to you or at any of the community colleges around you then you might have a chance, you’d have to tell sdsu that and they’ll most likely tell you to write an appeal! I would ask a counselor tho just to be safe!
I recently heard that for Fall 2015 SDSU accepted 0 transfer students outside of the local service area!!!
Not looking good
@jeremyla5 I transferred to SDSU from applying last year and found that there are a good number of people from outside the area (Humboldt, San Jose, LA etc) who had gotten accepted for Fall 2015
@jeremyla5, as long as your stats are great, SDSU will accept you. The preference, however, goes to local students.
I’m a bio major with 3.7 gpa.
I thought that the local admission area rule only applied to freshmen 
so according to this page: https://asir.sdsu.edu/Pages/applications-by-major.aspx
For science transfer applicants, 993 applications received, 98 admitted… well that’s unfortunate
Oh wow really? I knew that was too crazy to be true? what were your stats? Major, GPA, school, etc.
Do you go there now?
Yes I go there now. I transferred from a local college and I have to say that getting an AA-T was the best thing for me. I had a really low GPA and wouldn’t have gotten admitted without it. Anyone who is local with low stats should get an AA-T from one of the local colleges.
@Impatient1 I had just the opposite experience trying to transfer last year from a local CC. Early last school year counselor from San Diego Mesa had pushed me to get my AS-T in Business Admin to help me get into SDSU…but I found shortly afterwards it did just the opposite…
So how AA/AS-T transfers work is once you complete all the classes you need and get approved/verified they say it offers you a GPA boost or ‘preferred admittance’ into colleges…but it then puts you into a group of AA/AS applicants and ranks you by GPA points. And the students that actually get their 2 year AA/AS degree tend to have WAY higher GPA’s then the students that do not. In other words…Unless you have a 3.7 GPA or above …or some strange specific major…getting your AA/AS puts you at a complete disadvantage against the seriously competitive applicant pool.
I know this because I didn’t get into SDSU last year with my AS-T in Business Admin. Granted I had a 3.27 GPA I still heard from another counselor whom I’ve grown close with that it did infact put me at a disadvantage instead of just applying with my credits. I saw students from my same major or other majors like finance or history get into SDSU with 2.9 GPAs or 3.1 GPA’s…so do you research and keep in mind that naturally your CC will want you to get your credited 2 year degree from them…but it may not be the best move.
So this year I’ll be reapplying with a higher GPA at 3.41 and hopefully without a AS-T degree on my application…I’ll be meeting next week with a SDSU counselor first to see if that’s okay though.
@terra009 first off I’m sorry about your situation. I had a similar situation occur when I applied for Fall 2014 and didn’t get accepted. I was pretty bummed. I didn’t have my AA-T when I applied. My friends and I all heard back from our respective majors pretty late. For example my friends who applied for majors such as Business didn’t hear back until April because they were grouped with students who had there AAs. I can only go on here an tell you guys what worked for me and my friends. My GPA wasn’t any different between the times I applied. The only thing that was different was the transfer degree. I know for sure that every year the number of applicants increase dramatically for both transfer and freshmen applicants. For both the CC and SDSU counselors that I have spoken to not one has told me that I was at a disadvantage from my degree.
As far as people getting into History and Finance with a 2.9 is because they have different requirements for those majors. All majors are impacted and have different GPA and class requirements. My friend got into Anthropology with a 2.1. Don’t forget that even if you have a 3.27 or a 3.41 you’re competing against people who actually have higher GPAs than you, as well as individuals with higher priority such as military status. Odd enough those who got into Business with a 2.9 or something along those lines must of had some unique circumstances.
Let me throw some research that I found from last years Transfer Thread from this site
Post #1188
“It was actually because Business had a cut-off of 3.5 this year as previously mentioned. While the minimum GPA requirement for business is a 2.9, you would need a 3.5 or better this year based on the competitive pool of applicants who applied for the business major this year since it is one of the more impacted majors. That is what SDSU admissions told some other denied business majors unfortunately.”
I wish you the best of luck with your application
Major: Business Administration (Management)
GPA: 3.79
Current school: Southwestern College
Admission Status: Applying
I have a question concerning the AD-T (@terra009), since you are a Business Admin major as well. I’ve heard from multiple counselors and professors that you shouldn’t do the AD-T for a SPECIFIC Business major. So, I am confused as to what to put on my application. On the first page where it asks for the intended major, I put Business Administration (Management), but then on the “College Information” section, I don’t know whether to fill out the AD-T Program section or not. As of right now, I have the AD-T section filled out for Business Admin (AS-T), but my main goal is to major in Business Administration (Management) and not the general Business Admin major. Basically, should I leave the AD-T section filled in or should I just completely take out the AD-T section? I hope this makes sense! I just want some other outside information on it 
@alohakawaii You can always change your major later to Management pending approval from the School of Business Admin once you’re accepted and into your first semester of attendance. There are currently only two ADTs for Business Administration that SDSU accepts: one for Business Admin (General) and one for Business Admin (Financial Services). Do not apply with any other specific business major or it will void you from the ADT. I hope this makes sense. @ieatsushi is a friend and was an admitted business major in our 2017 class. She changed hers from (General) to her specific major on the second day of classes with NO problems! Good luck!!!
@terra009 Did you try to appeal at all last year? One of the the transfer students I made it in with last year was one who appealed, initially getting denied. She told me that everyone else she knew that was denied got in on appeal as well. Which is weird because they tell people that their chances are about 1%. But, I’m sure it depends year to year on the applicants that accept their admissions. Anyhow, I think what you say makes some sense because I was surprised last year how many local AAT/ASTs were denied last year. I also think there are circumstances that they also consider that they don’t outright say, like if priority for students from low-income families or special needs that could be a reason why some with lower GPAs get in. But, I definitely recommend trying your chances at appealing.