SDSU Class of 2023 Application Thread

You got waitlisted??

it definitely depends on your major, for example if you applied for nursing then you don’t have a chance, but if you applied for a less competitive major you may have a shot! i’ve already seen a few rejections which makes me think they aren’t sending them out last! but don’t give up hope, there’s always a few on the lower side that make it! (someone got in with a 3.2 gpa and 1100 sat)

My major was anthropology with 3.5 and 25 ACT not sure if anthropolgy is that competitve…

@kgetthisbread yup I applied under Food and Nutrition and got waitlisted. I’m really upset.

Anyone know about anthropology acceptances yet?

Denied LOL but I’m going on the wait list
Pre-English (single subject teaching)
CSU GPA: 3.8
SAT: 1240

@grubbymom do you think last years thread was so much longer because everything was so delayed and people were reaching out to forums like CC to see what was going on? and this year since the decisions came out quickly not many people looking for info? Just a thought. Cal Poly Slo seems to be trickling in and lots of frustrate people posting making the thread longer? My D has a few friends still waiting, do you think now that we’ve seen waitlists and denials all of those who’ve been admitted have been notified?

@codingismygame were you “Denied” or “Waitlisted”? I don’t think you can “go” on the waitlist, they have to put you there.

Rejection letter confirmed! Congrats to everyone who got in!!! Proud of y’all

@hermom1 I was denied admission, but there was a button at the bottom which asked if I would like to be put on the waitlist. I confirmed at the bottom that I wanted to be put on the waitlist.

@codingismygame that’s pretty cool! I didn’t know they did that. Good luck, I hope you get in!

Waitlisted :frowning:
CSU GPA: 3.86
SAT: 1400
Major: Pre political science
Im pretty bummed this was my least competitive california public im probably not going to get into the rest of those schools :confused:

Son got waitlisted today for Com Sci.

Also, waitlisted at CSULB for CS.

CSU GPA: 3.85
SAT: 1390 (740 M/ 650 RW)

At this point likely headed the Community College route, then transfer. And we’re ok with that… We knew it wouldn’t be easy.

Always one proud momma!

Good luck & congrats to all! :slight_smile:

Waitlisted to Pre-Chemistry BS program at SDSU, In-State.
Sat: 1270 ACT: 28; Unweighted GPA: 4.22
All As and A+s only on every reported subject (at three different high schools), I took the hardest (honors) coursework available.
I was accepted into CSU Long Beach and Cal Poly SLO (and CalPoly was my top choice) so I’m still happy. I will not join the waitlist group, but rather consider Cal Poly.

Political Science
3.92 and 1380 gpa
Im so sad ): People told me this was a match school for me… got into SLO though

Just checked my status and it still says pending. Do you guys think I still have a shot of getting accepted? Or are acceptances over since waitlists and rejections are coming out?

After reading some of those who were denied admission or offered to be on the waitlist, I have to admit how confused I am by all the high SAT scores that weren’t offered admission. Some of ya’ll had 1300-1500 with an impressive GPA as well!

I’m still pending for entrepreneurship… I don’t know how to feel

I’m still pending too. I’m just incredibly confused on how to feel or what is going on

@hermom1: I am a little confused on this year’s admissions since usually there is many more students posting acceptances. I do know that they had a record # of applicants this year but yet they still keep the target # of enrolled students the same.

You cannot compare SLO admissions to SDSU since there is around a 30,000 applicant difference this year. I believe SDSU will rely on the waitlist more heavily this year once the UC decisions come out by the end of March. Many high stat students will be choosing the UC’s over SDSU which I think they use as a safety school.

Again, SDSU admits by major and the EI threshold will be different for each major and since they do not publish their EI threshold each year, it is anyone’s guess on how competitive any applicant will be. If you use the average CSU GPA and SAT from last year, a target of EI (not major specific) was 4408. The highly applied/competitive majors such as Psychology, Biology, Business and CS will have many high stat applicants for the few spots available.

S still pending for Econ too. Haven’t seen many Econ acceptances coming in either. Plus his App was last seen November 15th.