SDSU Class of 2023 Application Thread

Accepted! In-State
Major: Political Science
SAT: 1280
UW GPA: 3.95
W GPA: 4.32

Denied 10 mins ago
GPA: 3.82
SAT: 1180
Major: Biology w/ Zoology emphasis

Was a reach school…

DD denied

Major: nursing
GPA: W 4.2 UW 3.9
SAT 1350
Eligibility Index 4673

But, she is fine…her first choice was Azusa Pacific anyway, so she is going to be an APU Cougar!

Denied :frowning:
CSU GPA: 3.96
SAT: 1130
Major: History

I’m kind of confused as to why I got waitlisted by UCD and outright rejected by SDSU and not vice versa…

@whimsicaljess got waitlisted uc davis and denied by sdsu as well

@whimsicaljess SDSU received a record number of applicants this year - 100,000. SDSU may also receive more history majors than UCD.

S rejected from Spanish major. 3.4 uw from “elite” prep school with 1350 SAT. Good look to all.

Applied Mathematics
SAT 1330 (690 Math)
UC GPA 3.77
EI 4346


Major: Nursing
SAT: 1380
ACT: 31
GPA: 4.0 / 4.36 (UC)

Somewhat shocked and surpised by that. D didn’t submit her SAT score, only ACT because it was better. Maybe that contributed to the denial. Good luck everybody else.

@Bonchien Good luck to your D. With those stats she will thrive and succeed in any program she chooses and they will be lucky to have her. Thanks too for posting the results at SDSU. Though not what you had hoped for it will help future applicants understand that admissions process is entirely unpredictable and at times cannot be explained with reason.

@Bonchien wow. thats rough. really rough. the denials from SDSU make me think the state needs to revaulate their colleges and maybe add one-a desirable one.

@EngTchrMom Glad your D will end up at her top choice of APU. Congrats to her for a very successful high school career. APU is a very reputable program that graduates top nurses. The USA today article below (not sure if the link will work) has it ranked 2nd in the nation.

The result at SDSU is another confusing one to be sure.

https://www dot usatoday dot com/story/money/careers/2017/08/04/10-of-the-top-nursing-programs-in-the-united-states/104160102/

@Banker1 Thank you for your kind words and the link. My DD is so happy to be going to APU, and the school has given us an incredible financial package. It really is a great fit for her (she loves the Christian atmosphere and will fit in so well there). It she had been accepted to SDSU, I was worried she was going to ditch her top choice to please me; she told me she feels relieved to not have to choose between SDSU and APU. Closed doors are not necessarily a bad thing…

In terms of how SDSU did their acceptances, I do not believe they use the method they profess to use, but that is their right. However, they should be transparent about it.

To those who got accepted into SDSU, they will have such a wonderful experience along with receiving a great education! Aztec for life! Congrats!

To those who did not get into SDSU, I am so sorry…but we are so lucky here in CA to have so many wonderful universities. There is a place for everyone somewhere…good luck!

@EngTchrMom That is God’s work at hand! APU is where she belongs! Congrats!!!

Accepted 3/4/19
In-State FTF
Major: Pre-Business/Marketing
GPA: 4.02
SAT: 1330

@Gumbymom I have accepted admission to Cal Poly. How do I decline my admission to SDSU?

@nicikamm: There should be an accept/decline button on your student portal.

@Gumbymom found it. Had to click on “intent to enroll” and it’s listed inside. Thanks

What was the waitlist acceptance rate last year?


Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 2,853
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 1,276
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 46