SDSU vs NC State for comp sci

Down to picking between 2 colleges. I feel like we have a good idea about social aspects and surrounding area for both, now really want more info on the Computer Science Dept.

Attended NC State’s engineering day and for the most part the comp sci program and internships and clubs sound amazing. It sounded like it was very easy to get an internship. Downsides we see: 1) having to apply to CompSci major after year one, 2) perhaps being a “number” and 3) rigor resulting in mental health issues this past year with their students.

Only able to do a generic campus tour of SDSU last year, so no “big sell” of the Comp Sci program. Unfortunately, their website doesn’t do a great job selling it either. Things we have heard that aren’t great about dept 1) Rigor is too low 2) Professors aren’t great 3) students do a lot of their own outside projects to have things to talk about in interviews since classes aren’t great 4) not a lot of Comp Sci clubs 5) not the same level of school connected internships and companies in area don’t seek out SDSU comp Sci kids.

Most of the SDSU stuff is hearsay. I am looking for the unicorn person who may have had experience with both schools and/or also any info to confirm or deny what I mentioned about each dept.

Thank you so much!

EDIT: San Diego State Univ (SDSU) and costs are same. (Included travel costs in)

Which SDSU?

San Diego State University
South Dakota State University

Does net price differ or matter?

Note that NCSU has competitive secondary admission to various majors including CS for engineering first year students.

The quality of education is the #1 reason why NCSU students are in such high demand. Admission to CS is competitive but if your kid is in FYE, it is not terrible assuming he is coming in with some AP/DE credits. A lot of the kids that get culled are low SES and rural kids that come from schools that are not very competitive and are not used to that level of rigor. I live in Wake county NC. I would say the majority of the kids from our circle that go to NCSU have Calc BC, AP Chem and many have Physics C/DE Physics completed before stepping foot on campus as a freshman. Some even complete ENG101 at community college.

I guess what I am saying is that if your kid has to take Calc 1 and 2, Physics 1 and Chem 1 weedout classes at NCSU, it might get a bit rough. But, one can retake CODA classes once and reapply to major.

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Note that NCSU assigns grades based on AP scores if AP credit is used. This may influence the decision about whether to repeat AP credit for grade grubbing purposes for CODA GPA to compete for admission to major.

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I don’t know much about SDSU’s CS grads but I am paging @Gumbymom since her son attended SDSU.
I do know that my husband does the technical hiring for his extremely well-known, international company. He hires EEs and CS students for local positions. He favors hiring candidates from SDSU and other CSU’s (over some UC students) because of their preparation. He’s familiar with the CS projects (and prof’s) and likes the way the students explain their projects and know HOW to COMMUNICATE.

These students will eventually become staff members of a company. They have to know how to network both online, and in person, during contractual meetings with the “customers” for specifications of the contracts. It’s an important job interview question and skills set.

Thank you. 1) I’ve already hit gumbymom up for info and she was so helpful. 2) I really like hearing about the SDSU angle. I have an in-law that works at a US based international company in LA and he said they only actively recruit from UCLA, UCSD, and USC so it is nice to hear the opposite as well as his perspective was a big negative.

Sorry! San Diego State Univ

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