SEAP 2021 Applications Statuses/Discussion

Nice, I got the same response a couple of weeks ago haha, I thought they would be in their closing stages now,

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Thank you for the updates!

Do you think there will be interviews, or this depends on each facility?

I think I read (so not 100% verified) that they discontinued interviews. It may also vary based on each facility, with how weird everything is it anything is possible.

Maybe the labs are updating their statuses as they submit their chosen students? They’re posting it in waves and have been since last month, a month after the applications were due. If so, there are still 7 labs that need to submit the plan for if it’s virtual or rescinded, etc.

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Has anyone been contacted for an interview/notification from a lab?

Not quite as relevant but NREIP the equivalent to SEAP but for college kids had their decisions released today and their website says results will be released in February/ March as well. I am assuming this means our results will be released soon as well.


Thanks, how did you get the updates for NREIP?

OOOOH you’re right. They had about/were expecting about 3000 applicants for NREIP, and accept 750-800. SEAP has less applicants and acceptances, so you’re probably right and they just release NREIP earlier. I’m digging around a little for a comparison.

Found on Reddit, someone got an acceptance ‘two days ago’ but again, it may be rolling or reddit’s time is different from mine (EST instead of PST, etc.)

UPDATE: Apparently NREIP was supposed to come out in January. Someone with a contact says ‘ASEE is migrating all its data to Saxman One right now before Saxman begins issuing our offers’, which may account for the wait. They may have transferred NREIP first and sent out the offers or something. IDK I’m trying to reason they may come out next week, even if I don’t make it I can’t take the suspense. And there’s always next year and then college (which is what I’m using to convince myself it’s fine if I don’t make it)

Part 2: Someone heard back from a lab a week ago. Potentially rolling which is making me sad. More waiting!

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Do you know which lab they heard back from??

Did they hear back for an offer or an interview?

My boyfriend had applied for it :joy:

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That’s awesome! He get in?

More reliable source than reddit heh.

Haha :joy: and yeah he did

Maybe the acceptance notifications are different for each lab? For some other programs decisions are rolling

Congrats to him!

Yea, it seems some are rolling depending on lab. Wish there was a more concrete timeline. Hope to find out before AEOP is due so I know whether or not I should apply. They’re supposed to get their results back a month after the deadline which is making me jealous in advance.

On SEAP website, under Program Details, this has been updated: “ * Awards will go out in February-April 2021

:expressionless: more waiting…

Oof, but maybe they start rolling in Feb, and then if the offer goes unclaimed then it rolls down until April? Thats what other rolling programs do.

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WHAT NO NOT MORE WAITING. It doesn’t usually take this long? I hope you’re right about them starting in February. I’m not sure I can wait till April!

For other rolling programs, they usually give a timeline of when offers will start being sent out (Feb - Late March), so hopefully, SEAP starts in Feb (although I don’t think they’ve started sending emails yet). Did you apply to any other internship programs?

Ah, I’ve applied to MOSTEC, NSLI-Y, and I’ll be applying to UNG’s GenCyber Academy, Carnegie Mellon’s Computer Science Scholars, and AEOP. I’m hoping I get into at least one…


Does anyone know if decisions are rolling? I would assume so right?