Search function? Really?

Finally got it…but really…this is the title I put in my first search…I shouldn’t have needed to go to the advance search (which BTW isn’t all that easy to find)

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If you are looking for something current, it can be helpful to select “Latest Post” with the “Sort by” prompt. You may have to perform one initial search (under the default setting, “Relevance”) before this prompt appears.

I’m just bookmarking threads I want to come back to


Thank you - I thought it was just me and I was too embarrassed to ask the question figuring it was “operator error”. :slight_smile:

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The search function takes some getting used to in order to get the right results. Here’s a tip (in addition to those posted):

To search a just the thread title and original post:
End your search query in t

To sort the results by Latest:
End your search query in a lowercase L

I’ll try that!

ETA, that worked perfectly @CC_Mike

But really…how would anyone know that tip??

These are both shortcuts to something you can do in advanced search - I just found out how they work today also. Thanks for helping us uncover it! #ccpoweruser

I’ll try to put together a How To on search so folks have something to reference.


No offense, but if you have to go to such lengths to explain the search feature, you are losing the discussion.

Personally, I have tried to use the search function to find discussion around specific schools, and the results are woefully incomplete and mostly from 2019 or earlier.

You are really losing a lot of the traffic, usefulness and thus audience with the changes made to the forum over the last couple of years.

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