SEAS CS First year Courses

<p>I've read E1006 is introduced to replace W1004. Does that mean students go directly to W1007 and W1004 doesn't exist anymore? Is W1007 available as regular and honors version now? Could somebody please explain the possible sequence of CS courses for the first 2 semesters? Thanks.</p>

<p>If you’ve done any programming before, go for 1007 first semester. Else, go for 1004. 1006 is a waste of time in my opinion.</p>

<p>I took 1007 first semester (though I found it boring and a rehash of what I knew). I took Discrete Math and Advanced Programming 2nd semester. I placed out of 1006.</p>

<p>actprep: how does one go about placing out of 1006? It seems to be a waste of time for CS majors who have programmed before, but it says it is required of all students.</p>

<p>Yes, the recently received Academic Planning Guide for New Students says to Choose One from Computer Science 1006, 1003, 1004, 1005 or 1007 depending on Programming experience. However the SEAS progress checklist and the 2012-2013 Bulletin seem to indicate that 1006 is required of everyone in addition to one of the other courses. Which is correct?</p>

<p>1006 is required for the CS major. Placing out is not a formal procedure. You place out by talking with the prof. and getting a letter from them to tell the registrar that you will make up those credits in another CS course.</p>