<p>My son is applying to Blair, Peddie & Lawrenceville as a 9th grade boarder. He plays football, basketball & some lacrosse. He's very athletic, but not recruited. Has two great coaches recommendations for Peddie. He gets mostly A's with a B thrown in now and then. All 3 interviews seemed to go well, with most comments being that he is very well rounded and personable. His SSAT was 83. What are his chances for these schools?</p>
<p>bump, any help would be appreciated</p>
<p>I know i am applying to peddie and andover to be a sophomore, but i know peddie takes into consideration the interview. I did really well on my interview (I actually ended up teaching my interviewer chinese as she had just gotten back from a trip to asia). When I sent in my application they called my dad telling him how impressed they were by my scores on SSAT (93%, 2238). But Peddie really likes athletes, as does lville. Did your son preform well on his SSAT?</p>
<p>83rd percentile. I think the average percentile at Peddie is about 71%, but I’m not sure.</p>
<p>I think both of you guys have pretty good chances! Good luck!</p>
<p>If your son is full pay, i think his chances are excellent. full pay may be more important than ecs this year</p>
<p>Full Pay you mean No FA at all right?</p>
<p>full pay, meaning full tuition. no FA</p>
<p>I applied to Peddie too and I think both of you guys look great! Good luck!!!</p>