<p>So I'll be applying to medical school this summer and I'll be submitting the AMCAS application sometime in early June (between June 4th and June 14th).</p>
<p>However, I will be out of the country for the rest of the month (say from June 15th to June 30th) and I will not have any computer/internet access. Basically, I've heard that applicants should re-submit secondary applications no later than two weeks after receiving them in order to show interest in the school. </p>
<p>I guess my questions are: how soon will medical schools send out secondary applications, is there a chance that I receive secondary applications while I am away, and in actuality, how bad does it look if I can't submit the secondary within 2 weeks? Is there any way I can inform specific schools that I will be out of the country and will not have access to anything?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help!</p>
<p>some schools send them out within 24 hours of submitting AMCAS so there is definitely a chance you’ll get some while away.</p>
<p>I didn’t even know about the rule and there were several schools that didn’t even come close to a 2 week turnaround. I don’t remember which schools I did quickly or not so I can’t even begin to think of about a potential correlation with my results.</p>
<p>Even if you submit early in June it will still take ~2-3 weeks to get verified. Medical schools don’t start downloading applications until typically sometime in late June/early July. </p>
<p>So relax, your out-of-the-country trip won’t interfere with secondaries.</p>
<p>If you have a school or schools you’re particularly anxious about, you can check SDN school-specific threads from last cycle to see when secondaries started going out last year.</p>
<p>BTW, your app won’t get reviewed until it’s complete–that means until secondaries, LORs and any supplemental materials required have all been received. School committee letters are often a bigger hold-up in the process than anything else, as many schools don’t start uploading committee letters until August.</p>
<p>Can someone direct me to the last year’s SDN secondary prompt list ? Is there an assembled list somewhere? I am in IL. If not a complete list, only IL’s would help a lot too. Urgently, Thanks.</p>
<p>^Seriously, you should at least make a feeble attempt at finding it yourself… If you just visited SDN, this thread - [Allopathic</a> 2012-2013 School-Specific Discussions - Student Doctor Network Forums](<a href=“Student Doctor Network Communities | Student Doctor Network”>Student Doctor Network Communities | Student Doctor Network) - would literally be staring at you
<p>Look at the first couple of posts in the school specific threads for prompts.</p>
<p>thanks a lot for ur quick response. First time in SDN, so try to find a quick way out. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.</p>
<p>Kal, I tried the Allopathic 2012-2012, and clicked three schools (Central FL, Southern Illinois, U of Illinois), I just didn’t see any last year’s secondary prompt posted. Can u redirect me where i could find last year’s secondary essay prompt? Thanks.</p>
<p>Kal, wait, I now went into a 4th university thread, and I saw their prompt. So, does this mean that some school like U of Illinois, Southern Illinois, Central FL… do not have their prompt posted in SDN? Thanks.</p>
<p>It depends on how lazy (or not) the folks that post in each thread are. When they create the school specific threads, the first post is reserved for secondary prompts. In most of the threads for the top schools, somebody usually updates the first post with the prompts.</p>
<p>I went to 2012-13 allopathic school specific forum, clicked on SIU’s thread–and the secondary topics were the first post on the thread. (Items #1 and #2)</p>
<p>Ditto for South Florida—first post has secondary topics</p>
<p>Come on! Read the threads a bit more closely.</p>
<p>Back on track:</p>
<p>Patsrule, I agree with what Brown and WOWMom said, and will add (since I see you haven’t posted much and am unsure if you’re a lurker or not) that their opinions (and mine!) are based on current/reliable/successful personal experience.</p>
<p>my D took at least two weeks to submit secondaries. she completed the secondaries by the end of August and had 8 interviews from 16 applications- all interviews were done by mid November- one school even sent her a reminder email to submit the secondary since she sat on it for a while. good luck</p>