<p>what's the deal wiht the sevens</p>
<p>they give lots of money... i remember there is some way to contact them by leaving a letter somewhere in the rotunda maybe? i forget the exact place. no one really knows much more than that but uguides maybe and of course sevens. oh all of the presidents of uva have been 7s and casteen is the 7th president so he HAS to be one.</p>
<p>The Sevens are the most illustrious and secretive secret society at UVA. They give a lot of money to the school and give special awards to students and faculty. No one knows the identity of any of the members until their funeral where a black wreath with a 7 is placed next to the casket. The only means of communication to the Sevens, as an outsider, is to place a letter into the hand of the statue of Thomas Jefferson inside the Rotunda. Some famous Sevens were Newcomb, Alderman, Cabell, Thornton, and Hereford. Notice how the famous ones have buildings named after them.</p>
<p>So, Saturday was 07/07/07. My new apartment-mates and I were visiting so we left $7.77 (7 dollars, then 7 nickels, aka Jefferon's Virginia Quarters, and 7 pennies, the rest just loose change). We were quite proud.</p>
<p>It's so pretentious and elitist really. Like my roommate and a bunch of other people woke up on TJ's birthday at 5 am to protest against the "Purple Shadow" secret society. They were all dressed in hoods and they were shouting "ABORT! ABORT!" when the protesters stood scattered on the lawn :) </p>
<p>I also once saw like 5 people wearing dark hoods walking along the pavilion outside the lawn. To be honest, I was scared and it looked like they were on a murder rampage. They should definitely be abolished from UVA.</p>
<p>Haha, for once I agree with tenniscraze about something.</p>
<p>Shoebox10, you make me laugh. Where did you leave the $7.77? At Jefferson's statue? If so, the one on the Lawn or in the Rotunda?</p>
<p>Rotunda, but we put it behind the little "do not touch" sign because there were soooo many people walking around and kids touching everything, so we kind of hit it. Figured it would do the trick though. We even busted out the UVA header paper and the fountain pen and wrote a note beginning with "On this seventh day, of the seventh month, of the year two-thousand-seven..." Too bad we didn't have seven people's initials to sign with. It was quite a scene...</p>
<p>Shoe, did you notice that your post was SEVENTH reply to this thread?!</p>
<p>Dun dun dun!</p>
<p>It was eight you jackass.</p>
<p>No, my friend. You happen to be the jackass right now. Shoebox10's post was the eighth post but the SEVENTH reply to the original post. Thanks for playing.</p>
It was eight you jackass.
<p>dude, w.t.f? You can either be a confrontational and smug (what is with the jackass comment? so unnecessary) or you can be wrong, when you choose both, you lose.</p>
<p>oh man tenniscraze and cav agreed on something!!
if anyone is wondering why, the purple shadows are known for being white southern supremacists... no one who is not a white southern male will ever be in that society.</p>
<p>Makes sense, seeming good ole Tom was the most southern, and whitest man in not only the state of Virginia, but the entire darn US (or what was the entire country back then).</p>
<p>PS- I think we win for the best board on CC, simply because of REPLY #9-12.</p>
<p>Ehiunno: Maybe it's my destiny... Good call my friend. Good call.</p>
<p>After clicking through that wiki, I had no idea there were that many secret societies at UVA. When you go on the tourt, they tell you about the 7's, IMP, and Z, but I hadn't even heard of 90% of the societies on that list. Raven seems pretty interesting, kind of like the Cambridge Apostles, but thats the only other one with a Wiki entry.</p>
<p>21 is a big one just because you see 21 painted everywhere, but apparently is disbanded...oops
Purple Shadows walk the Lawn at 5am on Jefferson's bday (which was Friday the 13th this year, and, I was there hahaha)
Raven Society is obviously for Poe, but it's an honor society (not so secret)
Rotunda Burning Society I think was a bunch of traditionalists that formed another honor society, I remember reading about it somewhere, I'll try to find it again
Daughters/Sons of Liberty extends back to Jefferson's early days as they were the groups that Revolutionists formed to support the war against England. They formed at UVa in honor of Jefferson and his work for America's independence.</p>
<p>eh, I should become a history major. Or atleast do a minor. Boo.</p>
<p>Or a tour guide</p>
<p>I was actually thinking about that. I dunno if i'd rather a paying job though...but I think being a Uguide would be so much fun. When I was visiting this weekend everyone laughed at me because I almost knew more about the university than the two girls that went there last year haha</p>
<p>It is for that exact reason, as hazelorb pointed out, that secret societies like Purple Shadows should be eradicated. They just put more barriers in race and socioeconomic backgrounds within the UVA community.</p>