Secret Societies?

<p>thats a scary thought Arjun...I don't want to imagine you at that position...when it comes to decision making you might freak out and go on a rampage :-X</p>

<p>whast it abt???</p>

<p>SALKDJSALDJWLKAJ#@LKJASDLKJSAD <em>pushes random buttons</em> **** **** **** !!!!?????????????????????????????</p>

<p>like that?</p>

<p>hey just cause you cant understand my cracks at you doesnt mean my "strike rate" has lowered.</p>

<p>If I told you it would ruin the movie!</p>

<p>cool...i like the movie!!! pushes random button for what? to activate motion of zeta particles in a linear particle accelerator?</p>

<p>I'm not saying racism isn't prevalent or an issue. I'm just saying it's frowned upon. Even backlash or reverse racism is present, just because people don't want to appear racist.</p>

<p>Also, mr<em>rubber</em>ducky, your assertion about our president's policy is rediculous and conspiracy theory-esque. The current security system may be biased against muslims, but what you assert certainly isn't true. I'm a moderate/liberal, so don't get on my case about being an uptight conservative.
There may be a subliminal/accidental racism, but overt and intentional racists acts are very, very taboo. Take airport checkpoints for example. Though checks are supposed to be random, everyone knows they almost always target suspicious looking people. Because of recent media related to 9/11, people from the middle east appear "more suspicious." However, gangster looking people also tend to get stopped more than your typical "good guys" i.e. some clean shaven dude in a business suit or a mom with two cute little children.</p>

<p>While this type of profiling/racism does occur, it's not like the security guys are saying "lets give the [muslims/blacks/hispanics] a hard time at the airport." Almost nobody in educated society today would, even if he thought it, publically say something negative about a race, or a person based on his race. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's not prolific.</p>

<p>No Arjun, absolutely not.</p>

<p>Arjun.............. chill out.</p>

<p>And Spanks, you're hilarious.</p>

<p>sparty...its not taboo, when police brutality is most common against minorities. its not taboo, when a gas station pays a minority worker less than a white worker. dont tell me it doesnt happen. i know it happens. i have friends whose parents get paid less than minimum wage. its an issue, we at least agree on that.</p>

<p>and honestly, whether it is intentional or subconscious racism, i think its still racism. they are basing their decisions and ideas about something not on facts, but on stereotypes created by a very small section of the entire group.</p>

<p>this is how i see it. im not taking a crack at your views. this is just how i see it as someone who has ties with minorities and relatives in europe. im not the only one who sees it like this.</p>

<p>However, gangster looking people also tend to get stopped more than your typical "good guys" i.e. some clean shaven dude in a business suit or a mom with two cute little children</p>

<p>--- thats cmmn to every culure: Indian, Morrocan, American, Korean, Nigeraisn etc</p>

<p>ducky...forget it...lets not argue on such minor things...if there's one thing i hate its racism...but i hate talkin abt it more</p>

<p>arjun is a drug dealer</p>

<p>yes...and ur my biggest costumer :p</p>

the word you are looking for is CUSTOMER
not COSTUMER</p>

<p>a COSTUMER is....
One that makes or supplies costumes, as for plays or masquerades.</p>

<p>a CUSTOMER, on the other hand, is....
One that buys goods or services.</p>

<p>have a nice day buddy :D</p>

<p>sorry dude...i explained before why i mispell...i type a bit too fast for myslef to realize what i'm errors are for sure</p>

<p>mr_rubber...1. yeah it's still racism even if it's unintentional, but it's not as morally bad as intentionally inconveniencing them in this case.</p>

<li><p>yes racism still exists but minorities in the US have a much better situation overall than 50 or 100 years ago.</p></li>
<li><p>some cases of minorities getting less than minimum wage/lower pay is because they're in the US illegally and therefore are "less attractive" employees because they are an increased liability to the employer. However, in truth they're kind of more attractive because thir equilibrium wage is lower.</p></li>

<p>Despite my statements in this post, I feel that all your points are valid, fair, and well made. Overall, I think this is not an "agree to disagree" situation between you and me, but rather a case where we are each presenting opposite (but true) sides of the same point.</p>

<p>I think the agreement we meet at in the middle is that racism is not gone or uncommon enough, and this is not good, yet at the same time, racism is diminished/diminishing based on long term trends, and that this *is good. We should be pleased but not satisfied.* Does that seem like a fair assumption of where are arguments meet?</p>

<p>hey parikh btw uve cracked the sae joke before and i gave the same answer...get somethin original...come to me if u want...i could give u a crash course on humor (charge: $1000)</p>

<p>no offense arjun, but a lot of the humor you provide comes from cross-cultural misunderstandings haha.</p>

<p>please refer "who is b_f" for references to my world renowned jokes sparty</p>