Secret way to check if you got into Florida State.. PLEASE READ!

<p>Okay for those of you waiting to see if you got into Florida State I figured I’d let you all in on a secret way to see if you got in. I did this when I found out on the November 28th decision and it worked.</p>

<p>Here’s what to do:</p>

<li>Go to [Florida</a> State University](<a href=“”></li>
<li>On the left hand side click Quick Links then Admissions</li>
<li>On the Admissions page, under Undergraduate Links, click Online Application Portal</li>
<li>Sign in under Returning Users</li>
<li>Once you’re on the page that says “Welcome, _________” click the Application Fees button on the right hand side</li>

<p>Check your Admissions Fees and see if there is an Admission Deposit one of $200.00. If there is, you’re in at Florida State! The deposit is only charged to those students who got in. This is how I found out early last time. All of the people that got in had the $200.00 due, and those who weren’t accepted didn’t have it. Hope this helps, best of luck!</p>

<p>Do you happen to know around what time the deposit amounts begun to be posted? I just checked and the amount is $0.00 as of right now.</p>

<p>try filling out your housing app as if you were registering for housing. If you get a congrats, then your in! </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Tried that too...still nothing :(</p>

<p>I tried it, too-- nothing. :(</p>

<p>Try housing for both summer C and fall.</p>

<p>it has been confirmed by 2 of my friends - both the housing app and the 200 fee were on their accounts. </p>

<p>good luck everyone!</p>

<p>My friend applied for housing 10 minutes ago when it allowed her to get on and fill out the agreement! It also said she owed the $200.00 admissions deposit! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Have there ever been any instances where people were accepted, but the admissions deposit was balanced at $0 nor were they allowed to fill out the housing agreement before their decision was available?</p>

<p>I think I got rejected...</p>

<p>i applied for the nov.28 notification and this worked.melissa what are your stats?</p>

<p>Nothing for me. I guess I got rejected. How discouraging. :(</p>

<p>melissa what were your stats?</p>

<p>Hang in there until you know for sure.</p>

<p>(Wow - does this board look better on a Mac!)</p>

<p>tomatoking - my stats aren't stellar, but I had hindering circumstances in which I discussed in my essay/resume, and I believe I had problems with my SAT score.</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Location: Florida
Race - Black
GPA: 3.537 UW, 3.67 W, 4.0 for this year
Old SAT scores (Dec. 2007): 1520/2400 M: 440 CR: 580 W: 500 Essay: 8/12
New SAT scores (Jan. 2008): 1710/2400 M:490 CR: 590 W: 630 Essay: 10/12
AMAZING letters of recommendations from my principal, assistant principal and one teacher.
I also think my essay was pretty dang good haha :)</p>

<p>Since my math scores were so low I was pretty much told I would be rejected unless I brought my SAT scores above a 470...which I did. I was initially told my January scores would be used in my admissions decision but I've gotten vague responses lately where they would be considered if "I were not offered admission, but needed re-evaluation, if necessary." My SAT scores were processed early this morning so I doubt I received a re-evaluation that would change from being rejected to being accepted.</p>

<p>But, anyway. I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and institutionalized in a mental hospital when I was 12 which hindered my academic career. I became socially inept and unstable to attend school, so I didn't. Before senior year I attended only one full year of school (one semester freshman year, one semester sophomore year, no school at all junior year) and was not exposed to anything educational within that time. Senior year I did a complete 360, raised my GPA from a 2.4 to a 3.5 UW and did the best I possibly could on the SAT with the lack of a standard education. I pretty much winged the math portion as I only had a semester of algebra I and no other experience in math. I was hoping FSU would take a holistic approach, and still am. I just wish my new scores would have been evaluated so they would see how much of an effort I am putting forth despite my adverse circumstances.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I'm also valedictorian of my class</p>

<p>Melissa, don't give up. I am afraid that the current mimimun for SAT math is 500, and that you need a minimum of 3 math classes at Algebra I or better, with most students actually entering with 5 math classes (per the web site.) You are a perfect candidate to consider community college with transfer to FSU after an AA or AS degree. You have overcome so much. So keep working on the turn around. You have so much potential. FSU might just have thought you were not quite ready, tha's all.</p>

<p>I think that's why I may have been rejected. There are two pages on FSU that conflict with one another, one says the math minimum is 470 and one says 500. I called earlier and spoke with an admissions officer who didn't know which one it was, either.</p>

<p>I always thought colleges would accept you under the notion that you will have completed a certain amount of credits before you graduate, not at the time you apply :( oh well.</p>

<p>Thank you for your comforting words, they are greatly appreciated. Fortunately I've already been accepted at UCF and Purdue and am still awaiting word from 5 other colleges, so I won't take it too hard...although it would have been great to be accepted :)</p>

<p>I will wait it out though until the official decisions come out, and good luck to all others who are waiting I hope you all get good news and are accepted!</p>

<p>melissa_, I was also accepted at UCF! Perhaps I'll see ya there next year =)</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure I got rejected as well--I'm trying not to get bummed, but it would have been nice. Ah well, cant win em all!</p>

<p>Good luck to you and everyone else!</p>

<p>I'm glad you have other choices! Just a few more hours;I wish you the best!</p>

If I were you, I'd get on the website about half an hour early at around 11:30 to avoid the monstrous use of bandwidth coming ahead!</p>

<p>CollegeHopefulx: well at least there's two of us! I say we still wait it out though, I won't lose all hope until I see it for myself that I am officially rejected, and I think you shouldn't either :) good luck to you as well, keep us posted!</p>