<p>7) Young Republicans Club (President, Founder) (12)</p>
<p>Never put that on an app for an ivy league. My dentist's friend is on the adcom for one ( I don't want to say which) and she said that letting them know you are republican is basically asking for a rejection.</p>
<p>I think you've got a pretty good shot, but it really depends how many of students that have a resume similar to yours apply. I know tons of early action students from my school that had 2300 SATs, all five APS, student council etc etc, who got deferred.
Still, good luck tho! I'd be happy to read your essay if you'd like.</p>
<p>i don’t know about that comment about young republicans club= rejection. True, that most of the ivy leagues are pretty liberal; most are located in regions with a democratic majority. But if that was an EC that you were passionate about, than that is part of who you are as an applicant. Plus, being the founder shows initiative which colleges like to see.</p>
<p>So I am watching 21 right now
Biology91, you remember me?
OK. So the Harvard interviewer said you need to “leap up from the page” or something along those lines, if i did not get the wording right
I think he does leap out. He is doing independent study. I am doing that too, but if i do not take the exam and all that, there is no proof - almost.</p>
<p>Good chance. I wish I could intercept your app and make sure that is one less person I have to worry about. I really look forward to seeing you. </p>
<p>Young Republicans, I dunno about the rejections part. That could be a court case, and you should know that. Do not worry. </p>
<p>One word: BEAST!</p>