See your Stanford RD Competition

<p>With the application in, my anxiety about Stanford is building. Would you care to chance me (although Stanford admissions can be arbitrary and impossible to chance)? Can you tell me good, average, or bad shot? Thanks. I will try to list everything.</p>

SAT 1: Math- 800 CR- 730 Writing- 750 Composite- 2280
ACT: Composite- 32 Composite Superscore- 33
SAT II: Math II- 770, BiologyM- 750, US History- 740 <em>I think these are a weakness</em>
GPA: 4.00 UW, 5.89 W
AP: Calculus AB-5 Bio- 5 US Hist- 5
Rank: 1/450 at a public school in Phoenix, AZ (not very competative)
Senior Curriculum: AP Environmental Science (independent study), AP Spanish, AP English Lit, AP Calc BC (independent study), AP US Government, AP Physics B
Awards: National Merit Commendation, AP Scholar, National Honor Society, School Poetry Contest- 1st place 3 years consecutively, District Poetry Contest- 3rd place (9, 10), School Science Fair- 2nd place out of over 100 projects, ASU Science Symposium (present science project) Invitation, Tons of smaller school awards like student of the month and outstanding senior</p>

<p>Extracurriculars In School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Varsity Cross Country (All Region Student Athlete 2007, Captain)(9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Varsity Track (Captain) (9, 10, 11, 12)
3) JV Soccer (Captain) (9, 10, 11) Varsity Soccer (12)
4) Science Club (President, Head of Zoology Department) (9, 10, 11, 12)
5) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Vice President) (9, 10, 11, 12)
6) Best Buddies (Peer Member) (9, 10, 11, 12)
7) Young Republicans Club (President, Founder) (12)
8) National Honor Society</p>

<p>Extracurriculars Out of School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout) (9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Bank of America Student Leader Nonprofit Internship Program (12)
3) Catholic Youth Group (9, 10, 11, 12)
4) Catholic Social Justice Organization (12)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
1) Advanced Lifeguard (10, 11)
2) Bank of America Student Leader (Boys and Girls Club Nonprofit Intership) (12) </p>

<p>Hook: None. I'm white and middle class.</p>

<p>Future: I want to study Biology at Yale along with poverty economics, global health policy, and environmental studies. I wish to attend medical school and then become a doctor working for a nonprofit such as Doctors Without Borders. Also, I would like to do medical research more focusing on prevention of disease rather than treatment. </p>

<p>Recommendations: I think they should be strong. My biology teacher is not the strongest writer but still talked highly of me and her experience with my. My history teacher is a strong writer and talked about the fact that he removed me from the classes curve because I made it too difficult for the other students. </p>

<p>Essays: If you want to read them, PM me. I would be happy to have them evaluated. </p>

<p>Campus Visit: No, I have not visited campus because my dad has cancer. </p>

<p>Location: Phoenix, AZ</p>

<p>Other Schools: Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Rice, Williams, Bowdoin, Middlebury, <em>Pomona</em></p>

<p>Thanks for your help! Did I forget anything? I know it is difficult to chance, but be honest with me. Is there anything I could do to improve my chances (retake tests)?</p>

<p>I think you have an awesome chance of getting in. I'd be really surprised if you didn't. Good luck!</p>

good shot, i would think you're pretty much in</p>

<p>But then again, Stanford is pretty arbitrary, i would say 70% chance</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance of getting in, but I really don't see anything that stands out. Your recommendations as well as your essays will determine your decision.</p>

<p>EDIT: I do think that however, your strength is your science participation. Hopefully you play up your scientific participation in your essays.</p>

I want to study Biology at Yale along with poverty economics, global health policy, and environmental studies.


<p>I hope you didn't write this on your essays. :D</p>

<p>I think you have a great shot!</p>

<p>And it's nice to see someone else from Phoenix on this board! I'm applying to a lot of the same schools as you, who knows, maybe we'll meet :P</p>

<p>guessing from lolcats4, do you go to Central High School? My mom teaches there...</p>

<p>thanks for the input. any more is welcomed!</p>

<p>As a Stanford chance thread, why do you mention you want to study at Yale?</p>

<p>But on the other hand, I bet you have a good chance at either</p>

<p>Pretty good shot :D</p>

<p>I actually disagree with everyone. No offense, but without reading ECs, your passion didn't shine through. It just glimmered. However, I think if you have decent and creative essays you will have a 50% chance. The only thing that really stood out was the history teacher rec. That just might do it for you.</p>

I actually disagree with everyone. No offense, but without reading ECs, your passion didn't shine through. It just glimmered.


<p>I quite agree with you. After seeing the EA results, I am not sure about my chance anymore...</p>

guessing from lolcats4, do you go to Central High School? My mom teaches there...


<p>nah, I'm homeschooled. But I do go to CHS once a week for orchestra rehearsals. :P</p>

<p>You definitely have a really good chance, but the people saying you have a 50% chance or a 70% chance are WAY off. Not to be a prick, but the "average" applicant has like a 10% chance. I think your chances are better than that though, IMO but def. not 70%.</p>

<p>my passion is both for science and nonprofits. I feel that my essays tried to highlight these (esp. nonprofit b/c of my internship) and I think that the majority of my work fits into these two catagories of science or nonprofits/politics. </p>

<p>Also, I def. agree that I don't have a 70 or 50 percent chance. But if I have a twenty percent chance (whcih I don't know that I do), I am fairly happy. It's Stanford for goodness sake!</p>

<p>Okay yeah... honestly 15%-20% is more like it. I was just scared of being too mean! But that is still higher than this years 9%...</p>

<p>I'd say expect a rejection, but relax because you do have a shot. You never know.</p>

<p>I definitely think you stand a chance! But as with most people with good stats, I think it all boils down to your essays. Those will ultimately determine whether or not you'll get accepted. Good luck! =)</p>

<p>id be happy to read ur essay!</p>