Seeking great aid for jazz piano/commercial music

I remember in NY my friend’s kitchen was in a closet. A beautiful apartment, but so tiny. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi again! I’m afraid my experience will make the thread feel negative, but it might help you to know. Be aware that many schools calculate your need based on a proprietary formula. We didn’t get truly met at any of the four expensive meets-need schools my kid got into.

I’ve written a lot about both merit and need, so I won’t rehash. :slightly_smiling_face: I recommend you have a few affordable schools on your list, and those that take FAFSA only.

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What I’ve observed among my kid’s friends is an initial desire to go to Berklee because of the very exciting idea you mention–a place where thousands of people love music as much as they do!

They learn about other schools, too, and widen their lists. Some return to Berklee as their choice after all and students love it. My son’s teacher is an alum. My kid wasn’t able to choose it, but at that point he said he wanted sports, a campus, and other subjects. He had some of the concerns you mention. His intel was that there are particularly a lot of male guitarists.

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Speaking of housing, there are only two options at Loyola. We’ve described dorms to him, but there’s no way to really prepare someone for the experience. He’ll just be in the classic situation I once was, of two people squished into a completely blank room. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not sure if it’s still happening, but as of last year the University of the Pacific Jazz Ambassadors offered free tuition if you’re accepted. My child ended up going elsewhere but we visited and it’s a beautiful campus and he was impressed with the head of the program and the Ambassadors he got to play with during a jam session: PACIFIC JAZZ AMBASSADORS | Jazzaldia