<p>Hi! Before anything, thank you for looking at this post. It was pretty obvious from my thread title that I was asking for help, so thanks for bothering to drop by to begin with.</p>
<p>NOTE: This is a long and detailed post, but I did organize it to reduce eye strain and boredom. ^_^</p>
My life has been dedicated to personal growth for as long as I can remember. I am hoping to attend a college where personal growth is a strong part of college life. I will be checking out the two following books if that gives a better image of what I am looking for in a college:
- Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope
- Colleges That Encourage Character Development by John Templeton Foundation.</p>
3.84 unweighted GPA, will be 3.90 GPA by the time Im done with my classes here (up from the 1.38 GPA I started with)
Practice New SAT scores taken with no prep work/studying. (The theory is that it is supposed to be the best way to assess what areas you need work on.) I will be taking the new SAT test in October:
560/800 math (if I was able to turn an F in math into an A with a summer's worth of dedicated studying, I'm sure I could add at least 100 to my SAT score.)
660/800 critical thinking
73/80 verbal
- Will be completing Honors Program: took honors Spanish 1 & 2, honors geography, will also take honors art history and two honors sociology classes
- Presidents list three times, deans list once
- Member of: social & behavioral sciences honor society, psychology national honor society, and international honor society
- Received two student leader awards
- Will be completing a leadership studies certificate as of December
- Involved in student government extensively, served on many committees, and chaired a scholarship committee
- Member/webmaster of Amnesty International club and member of sociology club
- Proposition 98 and female genital mutilation activist: putting together information booklets and will be looking for sponsors to help distribute the booklets to intercultural and possibly human sexuality professors across CA, perhaps nationwide if networking proves successful enough</p>
- Double major in communication (concentrations considering: interpersonal, organizational, rhetorical, speech - pretty much any concentration but media and public relations) and psychology (concentrations considering: social, business, organizational, development)
- Minors/certificates considering: peace/conflict studies, human rights studies, ethics studies, leadership studies which (and how many) of these minors/certificates I will be able to go for will depend on which of these programs the college I fall in love with offers, of course!</p>
- Note: while the traits I desire strongly identify with LAC's, I'll consider large universities as well if they have the right atmosphere
- No/few TA-taught classes
- Professors accessible and friendly
- Class discussions encouraged
- Busy work non-existent or kept to a bare minimal
- Strong communication studies and psychology department
- Programs available in peace/conflict resolution studies, human rights studies, ethics studies, leadership studies</p>
- Students love to learn and thrive on discussions
- Students not just there to "learn," but also to grow
- Collaborative and supportive, not cut-throat competitive
- Not clique-y
- Religious affiliations don't bother me - as long as no one tries to convert me to their religion and religion is not brought into the classroom - unless it's a religious studies or theology course
- Race and sexual orientations of every kind are accepted
- Politics either balanced or democrat - but not radically so
- Strong school spirit
- No visible substance & alcohol abuse</p>
- Substance-free/wellness/study/community service/quiet dorms available
- Campus located in safe area
- This is an odd one: The smell of eucalyptus makes me dizzy, so eucalyptus tree-lined colleges are out of the question for me</p>
- Generous financial aid, especially need-based aid
- Administration accessible (efficient would be nice, too)
- Strong alumni network</p>
<p>Again, I thank you immensely for having read this rather long shopping list and also for any bit of aid or advice I am given. ^_^</p>