Seeking ideas for Northeast schools and Philadelphia

Oh so not so much difference then. My D had the opposite - an SAT almost 100 points higher than this one and a 32 on the ACT and I remembered it being a bigger difference in percentiles but it’s been a while and maybe I remember incorrectly (looking it up it seems like it’s 97th vs 99th but that felt like a huge difference in the midst of application craziness - in any case the ACT was dead to us after that and she only submitted her SAT scores).

You are right that a 33 ACT is superior to a 1400 SAT. A 33 ACT concords to a 1450-1480 SAT, according to the official concordance tables:

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For an idea of where your current ACT score of 33 would place you in relation to the profiles of highly selective colleges that have been mentioned (whether positively or not) in this topic, these are the 25th percentile levels for some of them:

Wesleyan: 30.5
Vassar: 32
Amherst: 33
Hamilton: 33
Princeton: 33
Brown: 33

Note that reporting percentages for these schools differ, and that this information is from current Common Data Sets, irrespective of the year represented.

Additionally, your ACT section scores can matter as well. Different distributions of scores may be viewed differently when comparing students with the same or similar composite scores.

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Actually, Washington college gives out great merit.

I was responding to the list of colleges the OP mentioned. Among the suggestions offered by other posters there are definitely some that offer good merit.


For the benefit to readers who are not familiar with the breakdown in the CDS - it’s the “bottom” 25th percentile of those admitted to the colleges listed. Meaning that 75% of acceptances scored above.

Also, the bottom 25% disproportionately includes hooked applicants and thus may not be relevant to a particular applicant’s situation.

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