Seeking Roommate

<p>I guess I will start a "Find a roommate" thread. </p>

<p>I was accepted ED. I am used to having my own bedroom, and I would actually prefer a single dorm, but I heard that it is unlikely. So I would like to try to find a roommate rather than have one randomly assigned. When the housing forms come out, they do allow you to name someone. So here it goes:</p>


<p>Band (flute, 1st chair)</p>



<p>Yoga & strength training</p>



<p>Spending time with family (family is 1.5 hours away in WNY)</p>

<p>Completely substance free (never smoked, drank, did drugs, and never will)</p>

<p>Agnostic (But moral values are similar to those of religious people. I respect of other faiths, just don't try to convert me)</p>

<p>Going in undecided, but leaning towards sciences, psychology, maybe English.</p>

<p>Ok, I'll be honest since someone else mentioned it, I'm not the neatest person. </p>

<p>I am not a social butterfly, I am very shy until I get to know you. </p>

<p>This will be my first time away from my family, and I am very close to my family.</p>

<p>Dealbreakers: These are major problems for me that I do not want to tolerate. This is not meant to offend anyone with these traits or issues, but I want to focus on my education, and not on problems with a roommate. I am looking for a relaxed, cool, and respectful person, who I can ideally be friends with and who I can count on, since we will be living together. </p>

<p>Anyone who parties, smokes, or is rowdy and hyper;</p>

<p>Anyone who is OCD, ADHD, suicidal, bulimic/anorexic, cuts/self-mutilates, has anger management issues, oppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, etc.. (some PMS and normal bouts of depression over grades, boys, etc.. will be tolerated, just nothing chronic and intrusive)</p>

<p>Anyone who wants to bring a boyfriend into the room for "recreation";</p>

<p>Anyone who uses my things without asking;</p>

<p>Anyone who does not respect that if I am in my bed due to a need for sleep or because of illness trumps your right to be noisy in the room;</p>

<p>Racists, bigots, sexists, and those who would seek to convert me to their faith;</p>

<p>I think that everything else will be flexible. My parents are planning to buy me a microfridge, I don't know if we can each have our own or not. </p>

<p>If you think that I might be an ideal roommate for you, please email me.</p>

<p>Good luck living in a dorm! The adjustment to living in a dorm sounds like it may be somewhat difficult for you. Part of the experience is learning to be flexible, adaptable, able to compromise and communicate, and be self-reliant. There will be noise, parties, and late nights. This doesn't mean that you have to participate, but it will be around you. Another thing to remember--your roomate is paying for her share of the dorm room. Hopefully you'll get a roomate that fits your personality but it takes some reasonable give and take by both parties.</p>

<p>If you are not replying because you are interested, or if you are not posting your own "Seeking roommate" profile, please don't bother responding with your opinions. </p>

<p>I've had more "life experience" than most adults, let alone teens, and I appreciate my time. I'd rather get a single, because I don't need "the dorm experience" to learn to deal with people. I get along with people quite well, but I take life seriously (and I have safe fun), and I am particular about my friendships (and the character of those friends). In high school, I can make friends with people who party and such and respect their right to make their life choices, but I always get to go home. With a dorm, I can't "go home" to get away, it is home.</p>

<p>It's hard enough to leave my family, but I picked a good school, and living with a stranger is a necessary evil to attend, something that I cannot control. Living with a STRANGER is not something that I'd EVER choose to do. I wouldn't get in a car with a stranger, so why would I just move in with one before screening them? Not only that, I will have to go into debt for this education, so I intend to get the most out of it, not pay for "the experience" of partying. And by partying, I mean underaged drinking and smoking, which shouldn't be going on anyhow!</p>

<p>So I am doing all that I can to ensure that I have a quite place to study and sleep with a mature, like-minded student.</p>

<p>By the way, if it isn't clear from my original post, I am a female.</p>

<p>i live wiht a roommate who who has many differences from me but we actually get along pretty well because we have learned to compromise about different things. also, you'll find that once your at college you probably wont spend much time in your room anyway. if you go into it with the mindset that you will hate your roommate/dorm you definately will but if you keep an open mind you will have a great time. all dorms are loud and a lot of roommates are very different from each other but it usually works out. good luck</p>

<p>caitymercede, we are pretty similar. I got into Geneseo reg, but I'm waiting on April Fool's Day colleges before I make a decision. If you're still looking for a roommate by the time I decide whether or not to go to Geneseo, I'd love to be considered.</p>

<p>My Info:</p>

<p>I have a twin sister, and she's a very big part of my life. We've only ever spent a month apart, but that was at different summer camps with no way to contact each other except by standard mail. I expect this to be easier because of access to phones and the internet, but I know separating will be tough.</p>

<p>I'm an atheist, and I neither drink nor smoke. I believe in being friendly: I'm not all that extroverted, but I think it's important to be nice to people until there's a reason not to. I have no major mental health issues, though I have been known to get very angry when woken up at odd hours or prevented from going to sleep. I don't really care about neatness, but the room would have to be clean. No offense, but I'd prefer a single too. ;)</p>

<p>I'm starting as an International Relations major, but I may switch to history.</p>


<p>Politics and Activism
Jogging (slowly)
Movies & TV (Lost!)
Big City Life (uh oh)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>mountaindew68, please pm me, I haven't logged on in awhile and just saw this.</p>