My neighbors daughter is recent Princeton grad, she would argue that truly brilliant and “stellar” students are hard to find at Princeton also. She was disappointed by the high number of students who really were just there to land an IB or tech job.
Don’t feel badly. I wasn’t even smart enough to consider applying to these elite schools back in the day.
I hate to point it out, but making this claim on a public forum is, in itself, “virtue signaling”…
I think he gets in, pretty easily under the L and D parts of ALDC. His dad went to Harvard and as others mentioned was the first chair of the SEC, ambassador to the UK and first chair of the Maritime Commission.
“Don’t feel badly. I wasn’t even smart enough to consider applying to these elite schools back in the day.”
Agree, back in the early 80s anyway, class rank was really important, and you had to be in the top 10% from a public, suburban, HS like ours, just to be considered, which I was not!
Fascinating story someone just sent me:
Thank you for sharing the link; I enjoyed it.