Seen any good movies lately?

Another +1 to Leave No Trace.

“Damascus Cover” with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and John Hurt. I saw it on iTunes. It is about a spy in Syria.

Any one else see Cold War? I rarely go to movie theaters (sound is too loud), but I wanted to see this because I’m Polish and interested in the Cold War era–and I heard the cinematography was beautiful.
It was beautifully filmed. But I disliked the breaks/blanks between scenes. I had too many questions–How did they get from here to there? What happened to her husband? etc. I wanted the whole story of their lives, not just disconnected scenes. I heard the ending was…well, even that was not what I thought it was going to be. I’d call it a poetic view of a doomed relationship. (The woman was poisonous, imo.) It was “interesting” to me for particular reasons, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it.

Think I might go see Captain Marvel this weekend to celebrate International Women’s Day. If anyone has reviews, post em so I can decide if it’s worth the crowds or if I should wait.

Wrong body parts, I would venture to guess. B-)

I think it does a disservice to jump to the conclusion that anything has to do with her gender. By my count she has directed 6 films including short films and 1 TV series. She has also been involved in 8 other projects in some capacity, mainly as cinematographer. Lastly she has at least 2 projects in development currently. Overall a fairly active career

I looked more closely. It’s not as though she has been working continuously as a cinematographer – all of that work looks like student films. But she has really only been active as a director since getting her MFA in 2000, and she made a full-length documentary that was released in 2014. Four full-length indie films in 18 years feels significantly less sparse than three such films in the 31 years since she graduated from college (having studied film there, too).

DH and I saw They Shall Not Grow Old this past weekend. The restored and colorized footage puts paid to seeing WWI as a distant event. Very affecting.

Maybe directing isn’t her primary interest.

My wife and I just saw Apollo 11 documentary today at an iMax Theater. Wow… what an experience. If we had paid $80 instead of the $8 (matinee price), it would have been worth it.

@atomom, I’m hoping to see Cold War for reasons similar to yours, so I appreciated your comments so I can adjust my expectations. Did you see the 2013 movie Ida by the same film maker? The story and the (sometimes odd) cinematography are both haunting.

I went to see Captain Marvel. I felt it was pretty good, not fantastic. Maybe my expectations were too high, as I love superhero Marvel movies, particularly those with female superheros (which are few and far between). I wasn’t crazy about how they portrayed most men as evil and most women as good. I went to pilot training way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and men weren’t jeering at women and yelling, “You’ll never be a pilot.” Certainly that wouldn’t happen in the 90’s, when women were well integrated into military aviation. I will probably see the movie again, though, as there were definitely parts of the plot that were confusing.

@busdriver11 I agree. The movie was okay but I was hoping it would be better. I was enlisted during the 1980-2000 timeframe and my first two jobs in the USAF were in male-dominated career fields- aircraft electrician and flight engineer. Yes, there were men that wanted to see me fail but there were also men that wanted to see me succeed.

I think some of it still carries over in today’s careers- there are some men who won’t listen to me and then there are others that will. It’s not as blatant today but more subtle. You just have to work through it and overcome.

Personally, I can’t wait for Avengers, End Game.

The Winner of Defiance, Ohio on Roku, a true story, with Julianna Moore, Woody Harrelson.

^Prize Winner…

Went to the movies today and for the second time this year I was the only person in the theater. Have to admit it feels kind of weird to be alone in a big theater.

Saw Captain Marvel with my son this weekend and really enjoyed it. I have not seen all of the Marvel Comics Universe films, so not as much to compare it to but thought the story was interesting and empowering to young women. My son thought it was good, not great, but I think he liked it more than he thought he would.

How did the film portray most men as bad in a way that is different from other superhero movies? Nick Fury, the second lead, is a man and was on the “good” side as were some others. Besides Captain Marvel and Maria, most of the featured characters were male so of course there were more male villians. Very few females saw action and one of the bad guys was female. Aren’t most of the villains, and most of the superheros, male in the MCU? The difference here was that the hero was female, not that there weren’t males on both sides of the fight.

I would guess that back in the 1990s, when women were first being allowed to fly in combat, many male pilots were not supportive. Don’t forget the harassment scandals during that time period.

Also, late to this but recently saw Darkest Hour on demand. Was very good and I can certainly see why Oldman won an oscar.

The phenomenon of very talented female directors NOT getting the same chances to direct well-financed films as equivalent male directors is so well documented these days that I hardly need to dig up evidence to defend the supposition here.

On another note, I just saw The Departed for the first time. Great movie.

The Departed is a great movie.

It’s also, interestingly, a remake of a pair of Hong Kong gangster movies, Infernal Affairs Parts 1 and 2. They are pretty great, too. Not quite as much psychological depth and nuance as the Scorcese film, but in some respects more logical and satisfying. I don’t remember all the differences, but I remember they were interesting to consider, and there were things in the Chinese version that explained things I had considered plot holes in the U.S. version.

I liked “Can you Ever Forgive Me” with Melissa McCarthy. Also Blackkklansman.