Seen any good movies lately?

Did anyone else watch Bliss on Amazon Prime and, if so, what did you think? We made it through the whole movie last night but were unimpressed. My husband said if I couldn’t understand it (me being very comfortable with alternate timelines and parallel worlds and such), he had no chance. I love the two stars but neither Owen Wilson nor Salma Hayek looked pretty :frowning: for much of the movie. And I could barely understand Salma so probably missed some exposition.

Last night we enjoyed The Professor and The Madman (Netflix). Mel Gibson plays the man (without college degree) involved in creation of the Oxford Dictionary.


spoiler alert!

I enjoyed The Dig, but thought the sorta love story that dominated the second half was a bit annoying. But’s it’s not exactly a story where a lot happens. I’ve liked Carey Mulligan in everything I’ve seen her in. I like that she’s not a conventional beauty. The real Edith Pretty had her child at 47 and was in her 50’s at the time of the movie. Carey just did not seem old enough for the part.


My husband watched a youtube about The Dig movie vs real story, and I heard parts of it. Yes, actress was much younger that the real Edith. And there was a of fictional love story. (There was a female archaeologist on the team, but she divorced much later.)

Tonight we watched White Tiger (Netflix). It was OK, but we would probably not have watched it if not for stay-at-home boredom.

Vivarium is actually a good one. In a dark, twisted, depressing way, it’s actually relatable to pandemic life.

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its 20 yrs old almost, but we hadn’t seen it till this weekend. Road to Perdition. Crime movie. I actually liked it, surprisingly. Had to look up what the word perdition meant about half way through.


Let Him Go was a taut thriller. I can watch Kevin Costner in anything and Diane Lane is seriously underrated as an actress. It’s not an instant classic but it was fun to watch.

We saw Road to Perdition many years ago on Redbox DVD and would also recommend it … now on Netfilx.


Love Road to Perdition! It is one of those movie where there is a twist at the end. A few years ago, I took my sons to see it at a local theater that used to have free screenings of older movies. Just as the movie was approaching the end, I saw people leaving at two different points thinking the movie was over–it wasn’t–and they totally missed how the story ended.

I will not give specifics to avoid spoilers, but those who have seen it should know what I mean.

FYI - this was Paul Newman’s last feature film.


We watched the trailer for Vivarium and decided too dark a choice for last night. We instead went to the other extreme and watched Hallmark-ish movie The Secret: Dare to Dream (Amazon Prime). It was predictable but enjoyable.

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“The Gardener” - docu Amazon prime transport yourself to this famed garden

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We watched Greenland yesterday. We love a good end of the world flick, and ever since having the opportunity to meet Gerard Butler (and finding him a lovely human) I try to give his movies a shot. We really liked it. I thought the characters were mostly believable in their reactions to the situations and we felt it kept the tension all the way through.


Enjoyed “A Little Chaos” on Netflix. Landscape architect designs part of Versailles gardens.

And definitely rewatching Pride and Prejudice BBC 1995 production on HBO with Colin Firtch…

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i watched the secret too! i really enjoyed it. of course, the actors are beautiful, so that doesnt hurt. I’m not one really to watch sappy movies, but I did enjoy this.


Watched Palmer on Apple TV. While predictable, it was still a n enjoyable feel-good movie. And I may be in the minority, but I’ve always liked Justin Timberlake as an actor.

I actually agree on both accounts.

Some movies I’ve enjoyed this week:
Loving (Netflix) - Inspiring true story about a VA interracial marriage and the related challenges (were forbidden from being in county at same time for 25 years) and court cases.
Radium Girls (Netflix) - Drama about young women workers using radium/glowing paints to paint clock dials and the resulting radiation illnesses and deaths and court cases. This one I think may be a compilation of various true stories. I liked it better than my husband, but both were glad to have watched it.

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Catch Me If You Can


This would be a good time to rewatch The Martian. I’m wondering if the Perseverance will run into Matt Damon :grin:.


Thank goodness it landed safely and did not crash into his potato fields! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We are definitely rewatching that movie!

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