Seen any good movies lately?

I watched Mank last night and felt the same- it was ok.

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Agree with other posters—Mank was Interesting, but not a great film.

Finished Operation Varsity Blues today. It was eye-opening but unsurprising; wealth has always bought access. I was surprised by the colleges to which the parents paid for admission. Where I live, Berkeley and Cal Poly rank much higher among students than USC. The montage of rejected students who were not part of the scandal was heartbreaking to watch.

Boogie about a Chinese American aspiring high school basketball player was quite good even though it featured some stereotypical characters like the player’s Dragon Lady immigrant mother. The Dig with Ralph Fiennes telling the true life story of the Sutton Hoo archeological discover in Suffolk in 1939 as World War II was beginning is an underappreciated historical event that comes to life in the move

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I know the reviews really aren’t there for it, but my husband and I watched Cherry tonight and it really hit home for him. He’s never had a drug problem, but he felt the rest of it hit so real for him. He usually doesn’t get any real emotions from movies, but this one got him. Tom Holland feels so authenticity American when you hear him that it’s almost hard to remember he’s a Brit. Are there any Americans that do British accents as well as they do American, I wonder?

“News of the World”…must see! I had read the book and loved it.


I second News of the World–wonderful book and movie! I loved them both.

Because I recently finished Hamnet I thought it might be amusing to watch Hamlet. We chose the marathon version with Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet from 1996. It’s four hours, uncut, to the extent that you can not cut a play that was published in at least four different versions. He’s added some unvoiced flashbacks which make some things that are a bit ambiguous in the text crystal clear. It’s a star studded cast with Kate Winslet as Ophelia, Julie Christie as Gertrude, Derek Jacobi (fantastic) as Claudius and small parts and cameos by Judy Dench, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Jack Lemmon, Charlton Heston, Richard Attenborough, Gérard Depardieu and a bunch more. Visually it’s stunning as well.


We watched Promising Young Woman this evening on Amazon Prime; we paid $5.99 to rent–not sure why since we have a Prime account. This is a dark, quirky comedy that I really enjoyed. Cary Mulligan is the protaganist, a med school dropout who seeks justice (on her terms) for her best friend. There’s a dark twist at the end that bothered my husband because he thought it wasn’t believable. I didn’t feel the same.

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Promising Young Woman is my favorite of the nominated movies I’ve seen. I was able to rent the movie from our library since it was still $5.99. The library near us has many new movies, at checkout they said it was the first day available! Carey Mulligan I can say I’ve loved in everything I’ve seen with the exception of Wildlife with Jake Gyllenhaal. Just good actors in a bad movie. An Education, The Great Gatsby, Shame, Inside Llewyn Davis, Far From the Madding Crowd, The Dig (recent movie on Netflix, very good).
We were floored by the end/twist, thankful we didn’t know beforehand, especially me who spends too much time on IMDb.
Hope to see The Father and Sound of Metal soon, both look sad though.

@3sonsmom, she’s also excellent in Collateral, a British crime series on Netflix. She’s the lead, and the entire cast is outstanding.


@frazzled1 Yes! I did watch Collateral two years ago. I saw Carey was the lead in a TV series and it was only 4 episodes, good cast.


Yes! We saw “I Care A Lot” last night, and we enjoyed it. Yes, the topic has the potential to be depressing, but it’s not the focus of the movie. I thought the cast was outstanding and hilarious at times. And, as others have said, lots of twists and turns.


Enjoyed Captain Fantastic on Netflix a few nights ago. I adore Viggo Mortensen and could watch him read the phone book. Spolier alert: he doesn’t read the phone book. What he does do is emote and make the audience believe he is a bohemian intellectual polyglot. It’s a beautiful, poignant, and enjoyable movie if you don’t look too hard at its imperfections.


Captain Fantastic is a family fav!


My girls both LOVE Captain Fantastic! And their cover of Sweet Child of Mine has become a family favorite as well. If you like Captain Fantastic, I recommend giving Leave No Trace a try.


I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Leave No Trace is a personal favorite. I’ve made each kid watch it with me when they were home. (Amazon Prime)

Captain Fantastic is really good, too. Love Viggo in anything.


For those who enjoyed Knives Out, just read in the newspaper that Netflix has signed a deal for two sequels. Filming to begin this summer.


And also a TV mini-series “Collateral”. She is very good.