Seen any good movies lately?

I hope if anyone sees The Father you will report back here. I’ve heard it’s great, but am hesitant to go because my father has dementia and didn’t know who I was when I last visited. Not sure if it’s something I should see or if it would be too much to watch.


@mountainsoul. I have to watch the full movie of Captain Fantastic (somehow only saw the same part twice). I loved Viggo A Perfect Murder, 28 Days And A Walk on the Moon, late 90s handsome roles but I also really liked all the movies. Also, A History Of Violence, Eastern Promises and more recent Green Book. Still remember his brief part in 80s Witness with Harrison Ford.

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You listed many of my Viggo favorites. His role in Eastern Promises was unexpected but unforgettable. LOR: Return of the King is another family favorite.

deleted, sorry, I was mistaken about something!

@mountainsoul mom of sons but I’ve never seen any LOTR, Harry Potter, Hobbit. I read Viggo replaced someone the day before filming for LOTR, can’t remember why though. Good role and reviews for him!

My teenage persona was in love with Legolas in LOTR. My mature persona grew increasingly attached to Aragorn. But I doubt Gandalf will ever figure in my dreams.


Thanks! Per your recommendation we watched Leave No Trace (Amazon Prime) last night. I found it interesting and thought provoking. Also it made me appreciate sleeping inside in my nice warm house last night, ha until 6:30am when woken by false-alert on the fire alarm.


Had to say thank you for the recommendation of Captain Fantastic!

Just watched it - loved it. Lately there are few movies or TV shows that I actually, like, despite everyone else seemingly to enjoy them. LOL. So this was a delightful surprise. Reminded me of the book ‘Educated.’ Some great acting by all involved and interesting on multiple levels!


Also just watched Captain Fantastic at this threads recommendation. Excellent movie and the acting was exceptional. The kids were so good.


Just watched American Factory (Netflix), a documentary following a Chinese company who buys an auto-glass company in Dayton OH. Very interesting & enlightening. Worth watching.


Thanks again to this thread for another great recommendation!

Watched ‘Leave No Trace’ and really liked it a lot! Low key, but touching. And - with such little dialogue, raised some really interesting questions: How much - even as loving parents - do we bring our children along on a journey charted by our own past trauma/issues? What do we really need (of this 1st world, modern society) to have a fulfilling life? Great acting, too.

Thanks again!!


Thanks to all who recommended Leave No Trace. It was a beautiful, heartbreaking movie that was well acted and thought-provoking.


I love that so many are giving Leave No Trace a try. It’s one of those movies that’s stuck with me over time. I think about it often. The relationship, the needs vs wants. The psychological issues. And the beauty of the wooded areas, and the people living those simpler (not easier) lives.


Just yesterday I was thinking back on that “need or want?” grocery store scene from our viewing a few weeks ago. Also I think I’m appreciating my warm/dry house a bit more … even if it is more cluttered and worn than I’d like.

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We watched The Mauritanian with Jodi Foster, Benedict Cumberbach, and Tahar Rahim. The film deals with the legal travails of a detainee at Guantanamo (Mohamedou Slahi from Mauritania) who had joined Al Qaeda early on and lived in both Western and Islamic societies. Parts of it are based on a book that Slahi wrote. I found the story line confusing as the film goes back and forth in time. Also, I was really troubled watching the torture inflicted on Slahi, who was held by the US for fourteen years without being charged for a crime. It’s definitely not a feel good film.

I remember hearing his story on The New Yorker Radio Hour.

Tonight we watched Kiss the Ground (Netflix) to get ready for church discussion of same (via zoom; reps from a local farm will facilitate the discussion.) I find the regenerative farming approach to carbon problem compelling.


Thanks for the recommendation, it looks really interesting!
Perhaps we should have a “film club” like the “book club” ???


I once belonged to a film club IRL. Loved it. BC (Before Covid), we would meet at the movie, return to a member home (on a rotation basis), for light snack & drink, rate the movie (1-5 scale) blindly before hearing any other opinions, then explain reasons for the rating. Usually it would encourage continued discussion. Then, like all good book clubs morph into social time.

I liked rating blindly so we were not influenced by other opinions first. Tough to do online. But still think a CC movie club thread could be fun.


There could be a “poll” feature where you dont see the overall results till you’ve already voted could be used anywhere on the forum. (I can already see it as a Chance me feature lol: will get in/won’t).
Best I’ve seen in a while/will stay with me *****
Excellent, strongly recommend ****
Good if you have a free evening ***
Disappointing **
I regret wasting time on this *
