Seen any good movies lately?

IIRC, don’t they play off Jan as a psycho due to having to live in Marcia’s glorious shadow?

Yes. It’s all the bits from the shows that you remember like Marcia getting a fat nose from getting hit with a football, etc., and “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”

I also enjoyed Shang Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings. In my opinion, the father was the most compelling character in the movie.
Watched “A Chorus Line” on Amazon Prime last night. The songs and dancing reminded me how much I like the stage play.

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Have not seen Leave No Trace, but I thought Winter’s Bone was brilliant (as was Jennifer Lawrence in it).

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We enjoyed watching Atonement (Netflix). It’s a WW2 era drama with a love story and a bit of mystery.

I loved Atonement so much that I felt totally betrayed by the reveal at the end. I was so invested in the James McAvoy and Keira Knightley characters (too invested, I guess). That was also my first introduction to Saiorse Ronan and she is now one of my favorite actresses.


We just watched Don’t Look Up on Netflix. If you liked (or at least appreciated) Dr. Strangelove, you should like this. Two academic astronomers discover a giant comet hurtling to earth in six months and comedy ensues, so to speak.

Stellar cast chock full of Oscar winners, very well acted, dark humor, tons of often heavy handed cultural references - and held our interest throughout. So many pertinent and hilarious references fly by. (Watch through to the end of the closing credits.)

My major disappointment was that the Michigan State campus scene was filmed in Massachusetts, not East Lansing (where I grew up). Knew the moment I saw the scene - nope, not MSU.


Atonement based upon the Ian MacEwen novel? The first chapter has some of the best writing I have ever encountered. Fizzled a bit after that, but still wonderful. Hard to imagine that as a movie. But, looks like it is. We’ll take a look. Also has Benedict Cumberbatch who has been fantastic in everything I have seen him in.

Speaking of BC, just watched The Power of the Dog. ShawWife loved it. It was well-done. The point was to create this sense of tension/impending problems. It succeeded perfectly, but it felt creepy to me. Benedict Cumberbatch was really good as a (possibly gay) cowboy who graduated summa (?) from Yale.

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Atonement is an excellent movie, but the book is even better. One of my top ten of all time. It’s funny because I haven’t liked any of his other books!


Thanks for recommending Don’t Look Up. The Netflix app and our daughter also recommended it, so it was our movie tonight. We liked it, but as our daughter warned this Leonardo DiCaprio movie might not sit well with everybody politically.

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Same here - my duaghter recommended Don’t Look Up and she and I really enjoyed it. Tried to get son who lives in another state to watch also, so we could discuss. :relaxed:


I’m watching Don’t Look Up. The worst movie I have ever seen. I cannot believe these actors agreed to be in this turkey.

Thanks for the heads up to watch after the credits. Loved the dark humor. Excellent acting.


The Leonardo De Caprio movie that I really hated was The Wolf of Wallstreet. But I do remember really liking him (and Tom Hanks) in Catch Me if You Can. Still not used to him playing older characters because , sigh… I can’t possibly be that much older now, can I? :wink:


TatinG - you aren’t alone in that view. I always read Rotton Tomatoes and other review sites after movies because I’m so curious what others thought. This movie had a strong split in views! I can credit some of the criticisms (a little heavy-handed, the satire was not Armando Iannucci sharp). I couldn’t stop thinking about the message, though.

Colorado_mom - haha, yes, Leonardo DiCaprio as older was a little startling!


I enjoyed “Don’t Look Up”. But fortunately I kept the credits rolling which I normally don’t do! Would’ve missed some of the best parts!


Those of you discussing Don’t Look Up should say what you did/didn’t like about it so those of us contemplating can try to figure out who we’re more likely to align with. :sunglasses:

In an non eloquent nutshell… It was about what would happen if a comet was headed toward and would destroy the earth under an administration much like the previous one. It was a little over the top at times, but also sadly probably true. I am not surprised these actors signed on to do it

I knew nothing about the movie going in. We watched it the first day it was available on Netflix. We enjoyed it a lot. What I like the least was the head tech guy. He played almost the exact same character in Ready Player One. The voice, the speech patterns, the mannerisms… Except he was a good guy in Ready Player One.


Thanks - sounds like one we’d probably enjoy, esp if any special effects were good.

Here’s my short review. Was it supposed to be funny? It was not. Not suspense. Not drama. Not an action movie. Not clever satire. It seemed like the really bad movies that are made when has been actors need a payday. Di Caprio and Streep must be horribly embarrassed that this movie is even on and making them look ridiculous.