Seen any good movies lately?

Time travel books and movies can be tough, especially if no date shown and chapter/scene change. I liked the “Time Traveler’s Wife” movie, but I’m not sure if I would have followed it as well without having first read the book (which was even better).

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My very favorite movie “The Family Man” is not on the list. Nicholas Cage and Tea Leoni.
It’s a “what if life had taken had taken a different turn?” movie. Love it every time I’ve seen it (and I’m not a Nicholas Cage fan but love him in this).


Sliding Doors is my favorite what if things had taken a different turn movie. I’ve only seen 18 movies on that list. I like rom-coms, but I live with a bunch of boys and then there was a period where my husband kept seeing movies I’d have liked to have seen on airplanes and he didn’t like them enough to see again. I know I could go by myself or find a friend, but rarely do that.


On my list!

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On the subject of time travel and romcoms, About Time is a charming little movie in the vein of Love Actually


Oh, we saw About Time last year (I think on Prime). It was pretty good.

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About Time is probably H’s favorite movie overall. It’s been his choice to rewatch on his birthday and one of the songs in it, “How Long Will I Love You,” he added to my playlist on my phone. It’s a good thing I like it too! If he’s around when it plays, he always stops what he’s doing and comes over to give me a kiss.


After hearing me drop classic quotes on him like “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse” and “Leave the gun; take the cannoli” for years, my older son watched The Godfather with me.


I know I’ve got to see The Godfather, but dh refuses to see it again!

About Time is a very sweet movie.

About once a year I watch Master and Commander. Probably the best made movie I’ve seen. Historians have raved about its portrayal of life at sea on a square-rigged ship–shows it as it really was. The speech that contains the line “This ship is England…” still gives me shivers.


My favorite scene of Master and Commander is Crowe and Bettany performing a string duet of Boccherini’s La Musica Notturna Delle Strade Di Madrid…


My younger son was 11 when Master and Commander came out. We walked out of the movie theater with him giving a big sigh and saying, “That was the BEST movie I have ever seen.” Guess who is in the Navy now? He played the violin too, but not like Captain Aubrey!


We indeed got to watch Everything, Everywhere, All at Once today - us and 6 other people in the theater (typical Monday matinee crowd). It definitely has a terrific theme, but it’s not our type of movie TBH. If we had to rate it, H and I would give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. It’d get a 10/10 for theme, but I’m just not a fan of superhero/Kung Fu movies and this one had a bit of fighting in a similar style - way too lengthy in those parts for me. There were also some quite unnecessary crude scenes for our tastes. They’re in there to appeal to a different demographic I suppose.

The theme, the changing universes, etc, that part we mostly enjoyed (aside from the crude parts). Many sections of it were really cute the way they handled it, and a lot was quite realistic (with reactions) which had its own humor.

So… we liked it enough and are glad we watched it to know what people are talking about. The theme had us talking a bit after the movie, but it’s not one I’m excitedly texting my kids to go watch as I did with Red Notice and Lost City. If I liked Kung Fu/Superhero fight scenes, I’m sure my opinion would be different.

It was still a fun date. I’m glad H and I have started to take more time for ourselves while home during our empty nesting - in a way, that fits the theme here nicely!


Off to figure out what we might want to watch next Monday…

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When I think about time travel movies, the first one that comes to mind is Star Trek - The Voyage Home. The only X-Men movie that I liked was X-Men: Days of Future Past. I liked it because it had a happy ending.

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I’m sorry my recommendation wasn’t a good one for you. I can see how some of the cruder elements could be a turn off for some, and I should have mentioned them. I don’t think I would characterize it at all as a king fu movie, though- I really dislike martial arts movies, tbh. We’ve had some great convos about generational trauma and mental health and family and acceptance that stemmed from this, but obviously nothing is for everyone. :blush:

No worries! We know we win some and lose some when we watch films, and as I said, I’m glad we watched it to know what it was about. This wasn’t a loss. We’ve had those in the past - movies we’d give negative stars to if it were possible (eg Exodus, War of the Worlds II, etc)! In hindsight we might have waited for it to come to Netflix, but no biggie. We still had a fun date night - and we’ve also had points of discussion from it as the theme, itself, was terrific.

With all the lengthy fight scenes it didn’t seem Kung Fu or Superhero"ish" (or a mix) to you? That’s all it reminded both of us as with those scenes.

With many movies we’re not sure if we’re going to like them or not when we go in. It takes watching them to find out. :sunglasses:

No, not really. I registered the fight scenes, same as in every movie that has them, but they didn’t stick as being what I think of once the movie was over. They’re a part of the scenery almost- kind of like the crude bits, honestly (though I laughed till I cried at some of them). I was so absorbed in the performances and the story and the cinematography that I don’t think I could nitpick the details. I cannot think of the last time a movie made me laugh till I cried AND also moved me to tears later. I enjoyed those other films you mentioned (the lost city more than red notice), but they are definitely not in this league for me- more mindless fluff (which I love sometimes), but not something I’d recommend to my kids. It’s so funny how we can all see the same things so very differently.

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Watched House of Gucci this past weekend and liked it despite all the negative press surrounding the movie’s inaccurate portrayal of the family and some events. Lady Gaga is a great actress. Adam Driver was good in his role, too. The only slightly negative thing… the movie could have been just as good without the Italian accents. :slight_smile:


I love Michelle Yeoh so much I’d watch her in anything.


I said that about Dwayne Johnson, then we watched Journey 2: The Mysterious Island here at home last night (via Netflix). That one registered in the “bummer” class for us… with very little redeeming about it (for us). It seemed like a poorly done young kid’s movie. We love him in many other films though - Jumanjis, Central Intelligence, Jungle Cruise, Red Notice, probably more. I’ve come to realize I like or dislike films based upon the whole thing, not just who’s in them.

But still, neither H nor I put Everything, Everywhere in the dislike column. Films aren’t a 10 or 1 for us. There’s the whole spectrum out there.

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