Seen any good movies lately?

From the end of the movie, right? When Aubrey realizes they need to go back and help Peter Calumy bring the French ship back to port because…(I’ve been scolded too many times for spoilers!)

At my friend’s prodding I went to the movies Sunday and saw Everything, Everybody, All at Once, also with only about 6 others in the theater. While I appreciated the theme(s), and was amazed by the special effects and costumes, overall it just didn’t do it for me. There were certainly some very glorious moments and overall the acting was very good, I just also dropped it into the “superhero” flick category for me, which just isn’t my thing. Sadly and to the dismay of my friend, I gave it a 4/10. I didn’t mind, I’m still glad I went otherwise forever I’d have wondered what everybody, everywhere (all the time :wink:) was talking about.


I am home sick for awhile (flu), so I watched the first two hunger games. I forgot how much I loved them. I was planning to do other things while watching, but I got sucked in, lol. I’m not sure if I’ll watch the final two because I know I didn’t like them as well.

But for Reacher fans, Reacher is in the second movie. He’s the winner from district 1. That was a fun surprise!


@ClassicMom98 - I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for telling me where I have seen Reacher before.

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I really think how much this movie will appeal to people depends upon their reaction to superhero movies. I googled it again and even one description on the search page (from NPR) says, “Michelle Yeoh plays a superhero…”

So for those who like Superhero movies, it’s definitely worth seeing IMO.

Otherwise, I didn’t see any movies out that I want to catch for next Monday’s date, so if the weather cooperates, I think we’re going to play Miniature Golf instead.

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My H loves The Godfather. He knows the movie by heart. I’ve watched it with him several times, and while I think it’s a well-done movie, it’s not my favorite. But H loves it. If we can’t think of what to watch he always suggests The Godfather and Apocalypse Now. S likes The Godfather too.
D watched it for the first time while she was house/pet sitting for some relatives. Like me, she thought it was well-done, but wasn’t her favorite. She and her brother like to watch The Simpsons and Family Guy together and she said she could tell which scenes in The Godfather were parodied in The Simpsons and Family Guy.

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My husband didn’t have any meetings or lab work scheduled for today so we played hooky and went to see, Everything Everywhere All at Once. I didn’t think it was at all like a superhero movie even though there is a lot, a lot of martial arts style fighting. I’d expected from what I’d read for there to be more plot in the alternate universes, but without giving too much away it was much more surreal. Some of it was laugh out loud funny, some of it was seriously weird, and some of it was rather sweet. Ultimately I don’t think it worked that well, and surely it could have been shorter and just as effective. I don’t think I’ll ever look at an everything bagel the same way again.

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That’s why I defaulted to superhero x Kung Fu as my best attempt at a description. I agree that I’d have loved to see more plot in the alternate universes, and cutting many of the fight scenes shorter. I think the latter about many movies with fight or car chase scenes that drag endlessly on.

So I finished the last two Hunger Games. I liked them better than I remembered. But other notable people in there that I didn’t know then….

Majorie tyrell (GOT), Brienne (GOT), lead actor in the Green Book (also Cottonmouth in Luke Cage), and Foggy (Daredevil)!

They were a lot of fun to revisit.

I also watched Marry Me. It was fun and cute. Not sure H would have watched it.

Thank goodness they changed my note so I can go back to work tomorrow.

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I treated myself to the new West Side Story today. It was very good. Is there a sadder tale?


Romeo and Juliet?


We recently saw Dead Poets Society. My eldest DS saw it in one of his classes some time back and wanted to re-watch it. It was an excellent movie!


I know it’s juvenile and low brow, but The Hitman’s Bodyguard is pretty funny. I have an idea for a drinking game: take a slug every time Samuel L Jackson says “MotherF%^&$r!”.


Tonight we enjoyed Finding You (Amazon Prime). It is set in Ireland, with a fairly simple story line that was a nice change of pace from our crime dramas. Fair warning - it feels a bit like a Hallmark movie.

I went to a movie today for the first time since the pandemic. The new Downton Abbey movie. Loved it. The music gets me every time.


We loved it as well!

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Just watched Operation Mincemeat on Netflix, the true account of a preposterous British deception operation during WWII that floated a dead body with fake intelligence to deceive Hitler into believing the British planned to invade Greece instead of Sicily. Colin Firth and Penelope Wilton were perfect, as usual. Well, well worth watching. Two thumbs way up.


Yeah, that’s gonna be the one to get us back into a theater. On a weekday. For a matinee. Wearing masks.


We definitely want to see the Downtown Abbey movie. First we are going to see the new Top Gun movie when it opens Friday night for H’s birthday!


Good to know. Looking forward to seeing it, probably the weekend after this one - my son’s home for two weeks and I need something to look forward to after he leaves again.

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