Seen any good movies lately?

@Classof2015 : Oh. My. Goodness. The Lives of Others.

Unbelievable film.

Saw Arrival over the holidays. I liked the look of it. I thought the basic premise was kind of silly - as are all movies that use that particular twist. It’s very hard in a movie to make consistent rules about how things work. We did argue a lot afterwards about whether the movie broke its rules or not.

@Waiting2exhale – really great, right? In a class by itself.

@mathmom – I think I know what you mean. I listened to a talk once about how people pick movies by genre. Let’s see a comedy, or a thriller, or a rom-com. There’s nothing worse than expecting a move to “follow the rules” of that genre and being disappointed. So many movies are sold as thrillers and are really dramas with some thrilling moments.

The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. This one is from 2014. Think a darker, Swedish…Forest Gump. An excellent film. Amazon.

I actually wish more sci-fi movies were like this and really about big ideas and less about the thrill of the chase. But the “rules” I’m talking about are not movie rules, there more like “how physics works” rules or “how the universe is put together rules”. (Don’t want to spoil things for anyone who hasn’t seen the movie or I’d be less coy!)

Hunt for the Wilderpeople was cute and interesting in an offbeat way.


Yes, I saw Moonlight. I was interested in seeing the movie after hearing an interview with Tarell McCraney & Barry Jenikins on NPR’s Fresh Air.

The story was so, so, so far from my own life’s experience and that of the people in my circle, it might as well have been set in a foreign country I know next to nothing about.

I’m glad I went to see it.

We saw Loving on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. H and I thought it was superb, especially the performances of the two leads, both individually and together. I highly recommend it.

People who expect a fiery courtroom drama are going to the wrong movie, though.

Moana :smiley:

We saw Allied last night…ok, not the best. Waiting for something better to come out soon

We saw Arrival the other day. Husband gave it a 9/10. I rated it a 7.5. Good acting but it didn’t wow me and I thought the flow/progression was too choppy and unnecessarily complicated.

Manchester by the Sea

Beautifully done but so sad.

Not so new, but I made dh see Inside Llewyn Davis this past weekend. He hated it, I liked it. But yes nothing much happens and LD is a somewhat irritating character to spend an hour and a half with. When the credits rolled dh grumped, “The Coen Brothers. That explains it.”

You know what was absolutely enthralling, @mathmom? I mean, make you want to take out those guitars you got for your boys, put on a pair of age-old jeans and a ragcloth painter’s shirt, sit on that musty couch you and your roommates pulled in from the street inspirational? The *making * of Inside Llewyn Davis.

I was channeling the muse for weeks after watching it.

A different opinion for anyone else who is following. Saw Arrival. Didn’t like it at all. I was not entertained and felt nothing but bewilderment at the end. If I hadn’t been fully reclined and having food delivered to my seat, I probably would have left. I like to laugh, cry, or feel a deep sense of something when I watch a movie. Didn’t feel any of those things during Arrival - nor did anyone in my group.

The music is fabulous. I got the soundtrack when it was new. DH needless to say doesn’t like folk as much as I do.

I saw arrival this weekend, and I liked it. It is very much a thinking kind of science fiction movie, it doesn’t have much action to it and it isn’t necessarily all that emotional (there is an emotional component to it with one of the main characters), and yeah, it is intricate in the plot points and it can be confusing, but then again, so is what the characters face:). Still thinking about it, some of the subtleties of it may have escaped me.

Amazon prime streaming–“Interstellar” . Great movie. Warning–it’s long.
I happened to be surfing looking for something good to watch and with all the views and great ratings it attracted me.

You guys, I’m watching the sappy “Lifetime Movie” type Christmas movies on Netflix. Just saw The 12 Dates of Christmas. It’s really really bad! All of them are bad!! Why can’t I stop watching them? I feel like I need a nice little Harlequin novel to wean down here…

Now Interstellar was a movie I really disliked. I thought it was so unbelievable on so many levels. It looked cool though. Nice CGI.