Select Waitlist

<p>I decided to make a thread for everyone who was offered a position on the wait list with guaranteed spring/fall 2010 admission.</p>

<p>Also, is there anyone who has done this or is thinking of doing this? Unless I get into Binghamton, my parents think I should attend a community college and then go to Geneseo in the spring. Geneseo was my #2 choice so it is not like my parents are forcing me to do it.</p>

<p>I guess I am worried about the whole transition process. I am kind of ****ed that I will still be chilling in town at a community college while my friends are all gone away to their respective colleges. A lot of my friends are going to Geneseo so they are trying to talk me into coming out and staying with them every couple weekends during the fall so I can meet people. It might not be too bad.</p>

<p>Anyways, discuss :)</p>

<p>hi Sean..probably would be a good idea to call Geneseo to find out how many people are on this list....maybe start a facebook group?</p>

<p>My daughter got deferred admission but no waitlist. I'd love for her to go to community college - that would save a lot of $$$ and she could buy a car or something, but she'll probably go to another SUNY.</p>

<p>rodney- You think Geneseo would tell me how many people are on the list?? I know I won't get in for fall 2009 because no one has over the past two years and I don't think that will change esp. with this economy.</p>

<p>No, that's not what I meant....I meant so you could figure out other people to hang with, talk to about the decision, possibly live with in the spring?...if you let Geneseo know you are trying to decide and could they give you an idea?....I don't think it's a bad opportunity, especially if it's a decent # of kids who will be going through it together.....i'm sure there are more than just kids on CC.....</p>

<p>That is a great idea. Thanks.</p>

<p>And start a facebook page for spring...maybe people will bite? just trying to help.....</p>

<p>I got the select wait list as well. I think it's the dumbest thing for a college to say, "Sorry, we can't accept you now, but you can come second semester as a consolation prize." They have more than enough room to take us all who've been 'select wait listed' in the fall '09. It's frustrating...</p>

<p>Its better than nothing and it is smart on the college's part. They know exactly how many people drop out every spring (give or take a few) and look to fill in the empty spots so they don't lose capital.</p>

<p>Maybe try to go to SUNY Brockport or something close to Geneseo for the first semester so you can hang out at Geneseo on weekends? It really is not a bad consolation prize. There's a transfer orientation program and you can start a spring admit thread on the Geneseo 2013 facebook page. In the end you get three and a half years at an amazing school and your future employer will have no idea you started at Geneseo any differently than the fall '09 freshmen.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help muffy. I only live 1.5 hours away and have a car so it would make perfect economic sense to just grit it out at my local community college. I could just drive there on the weekends. My plan is to attend medical school so I am still trying to figure out how attending a community college would affect that. I don't think it would but....</p>

<p>I have experience with a different kind of grad school admissions...but I think it won't make a bit of difference to the med school because it's only one semester and can even help you....a lot of academics think it's really great when someone transfers from a community college to a four year and does well. You might want to check with Geneseo about what credits will transfer for gen ed credit and for major credit and all that; my D is doing that this week. There are a lot of gen ed requirements at Geneseo and I don't get if they can be taken at another college.</p>

<p>or you can just make friends when you get there. it'll be like being the new kid in high school: be the shiny new object everyone's intrigued with. don't wry about it, you'll be fine.</p>

<p>sean--i was put on the waitlist for geneseo last spring, and i didn't think i wanted to go there. after visiting and really weighing my options i realized it would be the best decision. i was planning to go to UB for the semester, but eventually decided that it would save me 10,000 dollars to go to a community college instead. so even though i didn't want to go, i took the OCC route for a semester--it saved me a ton of cash, and when i came here in january i easily developed a close group of friends--a big group of transfers, and a few others who had already been here. i definitely recommend waiting if you really like the school---and one of my friends here made a facebook group "Geneseo Transfers Spring '09"
i definitely recommend creating/joining the group and meeting people through there. we all assumed it would be awkward meeting each other in person after "knowing" each other from facebook--but most people say that it really only made the transition that much easier.</p>

<p>and although the admissions office will make you feel hopeful about still getting in this fall, they're lying. as much as it sucks to hear that--the fact of the matter is that for the past 3 or 4 years, there has been a 0% acceptance rate off of the select waitlist--so don't let them get your hopes up (the school is only getting more competitive).</p>

<p>if you like the school wait it out, and talk with people through facebook--it helps a lot.</p>

<p>best of luck</p>

<p>bennett- thanks for the advice. I was going to go to UB or something for the 1st semester but I figure I'll save some money and go up to OCC. It just sucks because all my friends are going away to school so I'll be stranded with virtually no friends. I'm definitely going to wait it out and go in the spring. Geneseo is perfect for me and it makes no sense not to wait when I think about it rationally. Oh, ahahhaha and its starting to get fun to see the facial expressions when I tell people that I'm going to OCC for a semester. Its a rarity that someone in the top 10% of your class is going to a community college. Thanks for the advice...makes me feel like I'm making the right decision.</p>

<p>OCC? I live right near there. but at my school, a whole bunch of people got select waitlist. I don't think many of them are going to go, but I know at least a couple who are planning to wait it out.</p>

<p>my only problem with geneseo is the location. I mean, my brother goes there and loves it, but I just feel like there's absolutely nothing in town... it's still high on my list, though.</p>

<p>Someone on the 2013 Geneseo facebook page claims that they were just admitted off the select wait list for fall 09. How is that possible???? It doesn't make any sense.</p>

<p>sean..they could be totally lying. how could they possibly take waitlist students before they even know who's enrolling.
most waitlist candidates dont hear anything til mid june</p>

<p>I thought of that, but it doesn't seem like it. It is possible. I would never think of joining a group and posting "I was select wait listed at first, but was just admitted. I am so happy." I mean I could see if you were embarrassed when someone asked you if you got in or not in person but this doesn't seem like she's lying.</p>

<p>Mom or Dad with political connections in Albany? Mistake? Weird stuff like this does happen.</p>