Select Waitlist

<p>Hmm funny she removed the post and left the group. She must have been getting a lot of people inquiring about her status as a student.</p>

<p>haha thats very suspicious that she would remove the post. sounds like she was full of **it.</p>

<p>My daughter was sent a Select Waitlist letter in early March. She just yesterday received an OFFER OF ADMISSION from SUNY Geneseo dated 3/25/09, mailed 3/26/09. It's the whole packet from Kristine M. Shay, letter congratulating her on admission, admission deposit card for $300 due by May 1st.</p>

<p>How could they send her a Waitlist letter and then offer her admission without any explanation just 24 days later?</p>

<p>This is confusing, to say the least. This was her first college response, and she was very disappointed and somewhat shocked at the Waitlist letter when she had met all of the qualifications of a Geneseo student. Now this. Anyone else have this happen? I am going to contact the Geneseo Admissions tomorrow. This is so so odd.</p>

<p>What were her stats? They may have made a genuine mistake the first time she was reviewed.</p>

<p>Congratulations! And thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>I was placed on the Select Waitlist way back when, but just received my offer of admission for fall 2009 today. It was a total surprise, considering I already have my deposit down at another SUNY school, but I'll have to consider a lot tonight and tomorrow to meet the May 1 deadline. Letter was dated April 24.</p>

<p>Quick stats: 1280/2020, 89.7 avg. with toughest possible courseload, some athletics and volunteer work. Got deferred from Binghamton Early Action, then Denied.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your fall admission. It is beginning to look like Geneseo may have overestimated the yield. This is a very tough year for the colleges due to the uncertainty of the economy. Things were looking terribly grim only a few months ago, which helped boost applications to public colleges. Now things aren't looking so gloomy and, perhaps, that is encouraging families to accept offers from some private colleges that they might have turned down in January.</p>

<p>Hudson: I also think that Geneseo does not get as many OOS applicants as Binghamton does....not sure why, but the #'s OOS bear this out.....maybe Geneseo was hoping for those OOS $$ and didn't get them.....</p>

<p>yeah I was also put on the waitlist way back when and then offered admission this pas saturday I got the letter. Unfortunately I would only be attending in fall 2010 anyway so getting off the waitlist is more of a nuisance than anything. I was also accepted early action to suny binghamton where I think I might be attending.
my stats are 3.3 gpa in all honors and aps with the acception of ap us and ap comp which I did not take junior year, and ap lit which I did not take senior year.
sats: 1290, 1980
extra currics: a ****load. some awards. all that good stuff.
I wonder how many people they took off the waitlist this the past few years they didnt take anyone off! so weird.</p>

<p>A really tough year for adcoms to predict yield due to economy, huge number of graduating seniors, and number of students applying to as many as 15 schools. If they aren't getting the yield they will go to the waitlist sooner rather than later.</p>

<p>i got waitlisted too in like march but then, I GOT IN TODAY!!! i sent my deposit in to albany already but idk wat to do now, i havent even seen geneseo, i have until may 11th to decide, i also got waitlisted by binghamton but havent heard anything yet, here are my stats if anyone is interested
27 ACT
95.34 weighted gpa
good essay, ec's, rec's i guess</p>

<p>any thoughts and opinions are welcome that could help me decide</p>

<p>eaglesfan0371 if it is between Albany and Geneseo I would definitely look into Geneseo. From what i've heard of both, they are quite different. Albany is significantly bigger and has a more urban environment. </p>

<p>Geneseo has more of an undergrad focus with a LAC feel. Small student body compared to the other SUNY schools and it's definitely got a bit of prestige and selectivity behind it. </p>

<p>Not having attended either I don't want to comment on academics but each school definitely has something different to offer. It just matters what you're looking to do their. Personally I ultimately chose Geneseo since the bigger city environment was a turn off for me but I think it's best to just sit down with your family and weigh it down. Geneseo is a great school though and a chance to go is quite something so still keep it in consideration with Albany. Maybe even visit sometime before the deadline.
Albany is also a decent SUNY with much to offer, a lot of kids from my school are going to both Geneseo and Albany this year.</p>

<p>eaglesfan0371 definitely Geneseo. When I applied the other SUNYs were my safety's. Geneseo and Binghamton are the tier one SUNY's . </p>

<p>If you got in and you must choose a SUNY I would choose Geneseo. Top academics and students and the campus feels more like a small private liberal arts college. I would go check it out.</p>

<p>If the city life is what you are also looking for many of us would take a trip into Rochester. I always found there was enough going on at Geneseo that I didn't necessarily need to go to Rochester all the time. </p>

<p>Congrats on your acceptance to Geneseo.</p>

<p>How many students applied 11,000?</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many were accepted? 2,500?</p>

<p>and how many were select waitlisted? 100?</p>

<p>Seems odd that Geneseo is already pulling from the select waitlist already. </p>

<p>Maybe they over estimated their yield and lowered the number of admitted students to a number that was too low.</p>

<p>thanks for the comments, as far as size or city/ non city life, im not that picky, i feel like i could enjoy and succeed in most types of environments, i really just wanted to go to a good college thats challenging and where i could enjoy it at the same time, if i could major in econ or accounting, play some intramural sports, and get a good job afterwards, i'd be 100% content with where im goin to school, but like wen u think about it graduating from geneseo is like something to be proud of, so i think im gonna go up this week to take a first look at it before i decide</p>

<p>I have a couple things to point out that my GC shared with me. Take all for what its worth.</p>

<p>She told me (she claims she has a good source) that Geneseo accepted significantly, and I mean significantly, less students this year because of the economy. If you notice, Geneseo's acceptance letter really stresses the superb education at a fraction of the price. They believed that this economy would drive top notch students,that would normally have attended a reputable school, into Geneseo instead. They miscalculated.</p>

<p>According to her, last week admissions noticed that the amount of students that usually had deposited by that point, was alarmingly low. Frantically, the Geneseo admissions committee reconvened and accepted a decent amount of students off the wait list; not a lot but not some ridiculous number like 10. Geneseo wanted to be safe rather than sorry; to not have a full freshmen class all paying tuition during a budget crisis is not a good thing.</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Sean256: Makes sense. Glad to hear that some of the wait listed students who really wanted to go to Geneseo in the Fall will get their opportunity. </p>


<p>Yeah one of my best friends just got pulled of the wait list yesterday. =]</p>

<p>Grats to all and i hope to see you guys there.</p>

<p>Yes, a lot of the reputable privates give really good FA packages that make up a lot of the cost difference, especially for those from families making less than 75 K per year. It is actually cheaper for me to go to the U of Roch and for my brother to go to Cornell than it is for us to attend SUNY. Geneseo needs to get off their "selectivity" pedestal and realize their true place in the world of academia; good, but not great; selective; but not "most selective".</p>

<p>I don't know what your replying to, or what your trying to prove, but not all families make less than $75,000 a year. My family is one example. I will be paying for my whole tuition and because my family is "middle class", I'm not getting a large financial aid package and because we aren't high class, my parents don't make enough to pay for my whole tuition. This leaves me in a spot where because I have to pay my own tuition, I want a college that is both prestigioius and cheap. SUNY Geneseo does that for me and creates a solid balance. I, like many students, can't or don't want to go to U of R or Cornell paying 40-50k a year and being in debt $200,000 after college is done. Don't bash Geneseo because your one of the few students who receive a ridiculous need-based financial aid package based on your FAMILIES income even though YOU will most likely be the one paying for it.</p>