Selected by Department of Education to Verify information for FAFSA

Selection is supposed to be based on some kind of algorithm, but often it just seems random. I have never seen so many questions about identity verification in the past, which leads me to believe that something was changed in the algorithm. You did nothing wrong, and it won’t impact anything negatively (unless you don’t submit what they request, which can hold things up). It’s honestly nothing to worry about … just a hoop to jump through. You’ll want to have your student monitor their online portal or email to make sure they don’t miss any requests for documentation, which will come from the school.

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One school insists they will not accept a notorized copy of the letter and that we have to go to the financial aid office. Their policy yadayadayada …come to admitted students day. and take care of it then… no thanks. Son applied there at the suggestion of a friend’s dad but he’s not really interested so I think we’ll skip that one.

Went to get Pitt version of the form notarized and the notary wouldn’t notarize because my kid isn’t 18 and also wouldn’t notorize my signature on the form because the form says very clearly Student signature! lol. It’s laughable. Alas he turns 18 in 2 days so we’ll get it notarized then. But how many kids who are applying for 2023 fall start date will not turn 18 before financial aid decisions are made?

It’s a wonder we all stay sane during this process.

@kelsmom thank you for the reassurance!!

Wow thats insane. Then this will be my daughters situation as she isn’t 18 yet either!


@kelsmom this is interesting. Our notary definitely had no interest in helping, and since my son turns 18 tomorrow, I didn’t fight with him. But this will certainly be helpful for those whose kids are not 18 and have to go through this process. Thank you!!


Keeping on this topic - we were flagged for verification as well. Has anyone received the notification abut the verification process even before an admissions decision is made and then after been denied? I know you don’t have to actually go through the hoop immediately, but that seems a little harsh to look for that info and then deny them…

My son has received the request immediately after the admissions decision in one place and before from another. The rest of his acceptances haven’t notified at all but I assume it’s forthcoming.

The FA office is processing the FAFSA and any verification required. The admissions office is processing the application. Usually the two offices work independently (need blind school) and don’t check on admission status.

Absolutely possible to get the verification request and still be denied.


Not all of his schools are need blind, but I thought it was possible as well whether the school is need blind or not. What an imperfect process.

Can someone verify this as I’m sure it was mentioned. First, the verification process is overwhelming. Do you have to do it for every school? Is there a way to do it once? Is it odd that one school sent the financial aid packet and never requested verification?

As I understand it, the verification can come from the Dept of Ed and schools can select applicants for verification as well. Requests from Dept of Ed will apply for every school. Depends on what type of verification it is.

It is weird as I have one about to graduate college and another a sophomore in college and between them both I never had to do any verification. Now for my high school senior its come from almost every school.

If the federal processor selects a student for verification, the school is unable to disburse aid until verification is complete. Because there is a lot of time between now & next fall, some schools will take their time when it comes to verifying prospective freshmen. Others will want to take care of it sooner, because they want to complete the verification before doing an initial aid package. It just depends on how the school does things. But there’s no getting around completing verification. If you know your kid has decided against the school, no reason to complete verification. But if the school requires verification to get an initial aid package, and if your kid might go to the school, definitely complete verification. And do it right away when asked, because if you might qualify for SEOG or institutional grants, you don’t want to miss a deadline (because you could miss out on aid you might otherwise be offered).


We’ve had to do it for only a few schools so far. Most have said it’s only necessary if our kid decides to go there and it can be done when they arrive in fall. We have done one notarized too. All are diff versions of same form: prove who you are and that you’ll use $ for school.

Only one of two kids got selected as far as I know (one is in college and hasn’t mentioned it) so I do think random.

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And I had the opposite. My first kid never qualified for a dime of need based aid. Not one dime. He was selected for verification every single year. And because he was taking a small portion of the Direct Loan…we complied. And we were asked for a TON of information.

Oh yea… lots of information!

So if you get this from multiple schools do you have to do it for every school or does every school get the form if you fill it out once?

You need to do it for every school. I believe.



Welp then that means its time for my kid to start narrowing down her choices then lol


Really, it’s likely you will be asked for very similar info from every college. So it’s not really all that hard to do once you have gathered what they want once.

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Yes, every school.