<p>hi...i wanted to apply to Stern school of business, but also want to apply to the college of liberal arts (political science), because i want to double major. Anyone know how i go about doing this? how do i fill this ou on the application?</p>
<p>You can't. NYU only allows you to apply to one college. A student in Stern can only have a minor in CAS.</p>
<p>actually , startin with the class of '09 stern can double major in select CAS majors. You have to basically use all your elective credits though, and itll be hard as hell. im not sure which majors they greenlighted. but they said it would be stern students currently most popular minors. so id expect politcal science to be one.</p>
<p>thanks for the replies...so im sticll unclear about how to apply for both ,ajors though...ill try to contact someone from there</p>
<p>Apply to Stern. You cant get into just CAS and have a major in Stern. So if you want some sort of business major, just apply to Stern. Once you get in you can choose whatever other double major in CAS that you want.</p>
<p>thnx again for the replies!!!</p>
<p>mattistotle--any link?</p>