I am currently 16, but will be 17 at the end of january. I want to submit the Fafsa as soon as possible but I am hung up on this selective service question. Do I put yes or no or leave it blank? If I don’t put yes will I not get any financial aid?
What does the question ask?
Call the FAFSA hotline number on their website and speak with a representative. They are very helpful and will give you the correct answer.
@BelknapPoint it asks if I am registered with Selective Service.
@carolinamom2boys thanks, will do
You have to register with Selective Service, it is required. You cannot get federal aid if you don’t register.
You have to register with the Selective Service. It is easier just to have them do it for you considering that you have to join the Selective Service, according to the law, regardless if you get Federal Aid or not. The Dept. of Ed will send your name and information to the Selective Service 30 days prior to your 18th birthday and you will be registered without you having to do any extra work.
^ This. There should be a checkbox to have the DoE send your name.
@BrownParent the OP can’t register yet. He’s too young. That is the problem.
You should be able to get aid until you are 18. Make sure you check if you were automatically registered with selective service within 30 days of turning 18.
Call the FAFSA helpline and ask your questions.
He’s too young! Right now only 16. He needs to call and find out how to answer.
On federal applications, it always asks this question and there are 3 options: 1)Yes, registered 2) Not registered or 3) Not applicable, which is the right answer for females, those born in years not requiring registration, or those not eligible. For this student, NA would be the right answer.
What does registering with Selective Service do? Are you obligated to serve?
^^If drafted! We haven’t had a draft since the 1970s.
It fulfills a legal requirement.
No, at this time you are only obligated to register. In the event a military draft is reinstituted (highly unlikely), the government will have an up-to-date list of eligible draftees.
So is the correct course of action to click no then to click register me?