selective service

<p>i just recieved the uc financial aid guide packet today, and it had a guide to filling out the fafsa. i already filled out the fafsa b4 this packet came, but in the packet it said that u must answer "yes" to the question asking u if u want to register for the selective service if u r male and want to be elgible for federal and state aid. i didnt select yes on the fafsa, and i know i can go back and make a correction to the fafsa, but why am i required to register for the selective service? what does the army have to do with the financial aid im recieving?</p>

<p>You are required to register because it is federal law, and you are asking for federal money. Do you really think it makes since to put out one hand asking for money and give the finger with the other hand to the same person?</p>

<p>What happens though if I am under 18, and will be under 18 when I am in college?</p>

<p>It doesn't matter. You must still on file with the SSS. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Man up nancy.</p>

<p>Go ahead and answer "yes" if you are under 18. They will register you as soon as you turn 18.</p>

<p>It's just one of the "gotchas" for applying for federal AID.</p>