<p>Hey everyone, so I just accepted into the school academically and I’m so excited for my audition. I was wondering how many MT students they take? I just auditioned for UHART and they said they took about 104 last year and they have a class of 60 which was more than i thought. How about PP?</p>
<p>Hey, beutifullifels! I auditioned for Point Park University on December 4th and I actually got my letter today saying I got into the MT program for the class of 2016! When I was at the audition they told us that they accept about 60 roughly and expect about 40 to come. They said they would expand the number if needed but that is what they did last year they said. Hope that helped! Break a leg!</p>
<p>Congrats on getting into Point Park! I am a year younger than you- (college class of 2017) and PP is one of my top choices for college. I plan on majoring in MT, but I’ll probably also audition for their Acting program too, just in case. My director’s friend graduated from their MT program about 12 or so years ago, so she’s given me a good background knowledge of the program… though, the info’s probably bit outdated. What was your audition like? Did you audition with Unifieds, or just solely for PP? Also, how was the dance portion? That’s probably my weakness. However, I’m currently training, so we’ll see
Also, for monologues and songs- did you have to perform in front of the other auditionees? I know some colleges do that, and other don’t… Just wanted to get some recent inside info on auditions! Thanks!</p>
<p>Hey, Elizabeth247! Thank you very much! My audition was very chill. I was nervous going in but there were only two people in the room, the accompanist and Jack Allison (the head of MT at PPU). I did not do Unified’s OR audition on campus I went to an off campus audition in Georgia… which is still a bit out of the way for me considering I am in Texas! The dance portion was not too difficult it was basic across the floor ballet. I just started dance in August of 2011, that can tell you something, I have been told I pick it up quick though. I also only did one of my monologues but I did both songs. The audition is really chill and is nothing to stress out about really. I have no clue the results of the others who attended the audition. Including me there were ten total present at the audition for MT, four guys and six girls, I don’t know who all were accepted out of that bunch. If you have any other questions feel free to ask! :)</p>
Wow, the audition process sounds way better than I thought! That is actually really awesome. I’ve been wondering, do you believe it’s an advantage to audition earlier for a college, like in December, like you? (Vs. like January/February) Do you think it’s almost a “first come serve basis” <strong><em>NOT like if you audition early and you’re terrible-- of course you wouldn’t get in</em></strong> but if they sent you a letter of acceptance before they saw all the auditions, I would naturally assume you’d have a greater chance of getting in if you audition early- since none of the spots are taken yet? Haha I hope I’m not too confusing… I just thought that basically all program letters of acceptance for ALL colleges were sent out after they’d seen all the auditions, so they could consider everyone. But if that’s not the case- then I should definitely audition early!</p>
<p>I can’t speak for all schools (and you will find that each has different policies), but when my d auditioned for Point Park MT last year, they had a policy of rolling admissions. She sent in her academic information in September, got the academic acceptance in early October, did her audition on campus Halloween weekend, and was accepted artistically to Point Park MT program in early November. It really helped to have that acceptance “in hand” as she worked through her other auditions for the year. </p>
<p>PP also stated they had more scholarship money available to award sooner rather than later in the process, so that was another reason my d went early. She did receive both academic and talent scholarships. Although in the end, she chose another school, PP was high on the list for her throughout the process.</p>