Self-Reported Coursework

<p>Here's my problem..</p>

<p>Many of my courses are named "CP blah blah". However, these are the same level as courses entitled "Honors". Which level should I mark for these courses? I don't want it to look like I'm taking many "General" classes when in actuality they are the highest level availible for each subject.</p>

<p>Please Help!</p>

<p>So what's the reason why you can't mark an H in the "level" column if these were honors-level classes? If you're concerned that the word "Honors" doesn't show up in their class titles, you could still put "H" for level, then in the "General Comments" section below the self-reported coursework list, you could make a notation there to describe the situation. Alternately, you could use the "O" ("Other") designation for level, and explain <em>that</em> in the "General Comments" section. It would certainly be appropriate and important to be sure the level of your coursework is clear to the Admissions readers.</p>

<p>hm, interesting. for my HS, our freshman biology class has only Accelerated (our classes are: basic/CP/accelerated/honors) so I put down Regular College maybe I should rethink this?</p>

<p>It's in your best interest to be sure the Admissions folks understand the level of your coursework, so if there's something you want to clarify about your school's course designations or levels, why not use the "General Comments" section to elaborate on that?</p>