<p>What tips do you guys have for studying AP En Sci. I took the 1998 released exam and got a 4 and want to improve that to a 5. There aren't really any other released tests online so what do you suggest I use for practice? Also what were some things that you did for practice that you found helpful?</p>
<p>thanks. </p>
<p>get a Princeton Review and you should be good to go.</p>
<p>I’m also self-studying AP Environmental Science this year. I’m taking AP Biology in school which overlaps a lot with AP Environmental Science. I bought a Princeton Review book. Don’t get Barron’s even though its usually the best prep book since from what I heard Barron’s APES covers way too much things that are not tested on the real exam. Free response questions are also released every year so try to work through those as well. Other than the 1998 released exam, college board also has another practice exam. Good luck taking it this year!!