<p>Hey, should I self-study AP Environmental Science and AP Psycology? Or at least one of them? Would it be worth it, considering the fact that I am already going to take 5 AP Exams, along with a college course this year. Also, I'm busy with sports, clubs, volunteering, and applying for summer programs. So, should I take the extra effort to self-study one of these two easier AP's and try to get 5's? Would the benefits of 1-2 more AP's (self studied) outweigh the drawbacks? (having to sacrifice more time on it) Thanks!</p>
<p>It would look good if you self-studied and got a good score (like a 4 or a 5)…
but if it may hurt your other activities, I wouldn’t recommend it.
I’m taking AP Psych right now in school, and I would say that it is quite self-studiable (if such a word exists D:).
I think the fact that you are taking 5 AP classes shows colleges that you’re a hard worker and a motivated self-challenger.
Best of luck~! :)</p>
<p>^ Alright, well, I don’t really know to what extent it will affect my other activities…I could probably work it out. Exactly how much weight do you think colleges would put on it?</p>
<p>i dont think itll help u by a lot. maybe a little, i suppose? im in a similar situation. im self studying 4 exams, along with sports, clubs, and ec stuff. so if i can handle 7 exams with all the other stuff, so can u!