Self Study for AP Stat if in Analysis?

<p>I'm going to be taking Honors Analysis next year (precalculus). I do not know much about AP Statistics, but will the material I get from my course prepare me for AP Stat, or at least get me prepared as along as I also self study?</p>

<p>um what is honors analysis... if its like data analysis you'll be getting a lotta the material you want to learn. AP stats is (i heard) pretty easy anyway. i'm self -studying this summer and so far it seems pretty simple. do a little review on your own and you should be fine.</p>

<p>Why don't you just take both?</p>

<p>trust me..u COULD self study. My friend was in Advanced Algebra 2 and Trig and managed to self study Ap Stats while taking the algebra and trig course</p>

<p>I self studied this year. did two study binges really for a couple of weeks at a time. just buy barron's prep book and know how to work every single problem in it, and you'll get a 5 on the AP exam</p>

<p>Can't take both; no room in my schedule. </p>

<p>Honors Analysis could probably be considered the equivalent of Precaluclus. I think it mixes Algebra 2 with some geometry, much trigonometry, and radians, along with some very basic calculus elements (kind of like how pre-algebra has very basic algebra), but I don't think we go into derivatives.</p>

<p>I guess I'll try the AP Statisics test. When talking about course selection, some people asked if they should take AP Stat, they said no since it was easier than Honors Analysis and would not prepare well enough for Calculus, but I'm just not sure if he meant that Statistics is very different than Analysis or that it's that the curriculum is easier.</p>

<p>If anyone can tell me the difference between Statistics and Analysis (Precalculus like) that would be great.</p>

<p>Here are the course descriptions at my school:</p>

<p>AP Stat: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring data: observing patterns and departures from patterns; planning a study: deciding what and how to measure; anticipating patterns: producing models using probably theory and simulation, and statistical inference: confirming models. Students who successfully complete the course and take the Advanced Placement Statistics examination may receive credit, advanced placement or both for a one semester introductory college statistics course. The TI- 83 or TI-83 Plus graphing calculator is required for this course. The prerequisite for this course is Accelerated Algebra 2.</p>

<p>Honors Analysis:This course covers the same material as Accelerated Analysis (which includes include functions, graphs, trigonometry, discrete mathematics, data analysis, limits, and introduction to calculus), although in greater depth and at a faster pace. It also includes vectors, parametric equations, and some topics from statistics. Students must have the recommendation of their previous teacher. Juniors intending to take AP Calculus BC Level as seniors should elect this course and must maintain a .B. average throughout this course to do so. A graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI-83 and TI-83 Plus are the recommended calculators. Students electing this course will be required to complete a review packet over the summer to be submitted at the beginning of the school year. This assignment will be graded for completion and correctness and will be recorded as part of the first marking period grade.</p>