<p>Hey all, my school is not certified and therefore does not offer ap physics c....the college I am probably going to need physics c instead of b, for their science programs, so I am planning on taking both c tests this spring and I will be enrolled in ap physics B at the same time and we have to take that test too (required when we sign up for class). I don't think I am going to have access to a textbook unless my school has one, I don't have the money to go and buy one lol. Are there any websites you'd recommend using for doing this? I have found a few, but I just wanted to ask around a little too. Thanks guys!</p>
<p>I am a rising senior an I’m taking physics c this year. From what I have heard, it’s almost impossible to self study for the AP due to its difficulty, although I’m sure if you’re taking B it won’t be as difficult. I definitely suggest getting a textbook because it will be much easier then looking at a few websites. If you don’t have th money, go to the library or borrow it from someone. Also there are cheap textbooks or review books online (amazon, eBay). Hope this helped</p>
<p>I self studied both of them this year as a sophomore with knowledge from physics B and got 5s on both. If you want info, look through my comment history because I posted in a few other threads a few weeks ago with all of the resources I used. Good luck :)!
Feel free to PM me if you need any help/advice</p>