<p>Due to scheduling problems, I'm stuck with either Marine Bio or Zoology for a science class this year (junior). I just had Marine Bio today and it was horrible because of the fact that it's a "CP" course filled with kids who don't do work. Zoology is also a "CP" course but I'm going to switch into it to see how it is. </p>
<p>I'm hoping to self-study a science. Should I take the sub-par science class at school or just drop it and take some other class? If I take another class, I won't have a science for junior year. :/ Would self-studying a science cover the fact that I didn't have a science course in terms of college admissions?</p>
<p>It depends somewhat on what the other class is and also what you're interested in. Self-studying the AP is probably okay for colleges, but I don't really know. If there's another good alternative that you want to take, go for it!</p>
<p>take the class in school and self-study an AP...your school doesn't offer any other science courses?</p>
<p>the only science classes open for that period are zoology and marine bio and I can't open up any other period. Both of which are targeted towards the less, let's say, successful people.</p>
<p>I think I'm going to self-study a science and some other subjects because as of now, I only have 2 APs. I couldn't get into Economics since I'd be the only junior there and when seniors graduate, I'd be there alone for the remainder of the year. </p>
<p>This is really stressing me out lol. Anyone know of any good online AP classes that give credit (i'd like to take a class for economics, the others, I'll study myself)? if so, I'd like it if I could have them show up on my HS transcript, if possible. Speaking of the transcript, how would the colleges know about my self-studied classes? Just by providing the score?</p>