Self Studying 3 AP Classes in 2 months - Is it a reasonable aspiration?

My name’s Alex and I’m a sophomore in High School. This year I didn’t take any AP classes, instead I opted for Honors Math and Honors English. However, with roughly two months before the AP exams, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’d like to challenge myself and CC several courses. I’m currently studying AP World History, and I plan to also study for AP Psychology and AP Environmental Science (both of which I hear are fairly straightforward). Is it possible to get through all 3 of these in 2 months? I’m using Barron’s for AP World, Barron’s for Psych, and Princeton and Smartypants for AP Environmental.

How should I organize my time to get them all studied for? Thanks!

Why do you want to do this?

I studied for AP psychology in a day ( full on ) and I got a 5. I don’t know about AP world history (That class is kinda hard). For AP ES, its alright.