Self Studying AP Bio

Hello! I’m currently taking Biology H and I want to self study the AP Bio as I go. Anyone have any book suggestions or resources? Thanks

Here is a link to what books the AP people say meet their curriculum.
If you are self studying I suggest getting a Campbell text book and a review guide to go with it. The Campbell books are good in terms of completely covering the material and a review guide would be more of a diagnostic tool since you aren’t actually taking the class. I suggest a non-Barons guide. The Barons are great if you know the material at an upper 4 or 5 level but they are much too critical for lower score levels.

Campbell’s textbook is good for throughout the year, but I actually highly recommend using the Barron’s book for review or even as a supplement as you read through your textbook. At the very least, use the table of contents in Barron’s to guide you for what you need to know for sure for the AP test.

Bozeman science’s biology videos are also pretty good if you’re confused about something, and he makes sure to cover AP bio topics.