self-studying ap calculus bc, which text book? is which?

<p>Okay a lot of people say Stewarts is the best, but which one?</p>

<p>On the collegeboard, it has two textbooks</p>

<p>Stewart, James. Calculus. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.</p>

<p>Stewart, James. Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts. Belmont, CA: Brookes/Cole. </p>

<p>which one?</p>

<p>AP</a> Calculus BC: Example Textbook List</p>

<p>I think Stewart Calculus is single variable and multivariable calculus, so it has everything in the second book you mentioned. I have seen Stewart used at a college, so it would be a good book to invest in. We used it in my class last year, I believe it has everything on the AP test and some additional material. My class did well on the AP exam. I got a 5 and the average score for my class was a 4.9</p>