<p>I think I want to take the AP U.S. Government exam in May and I'm wondering if you guys think that I can self-study over the next couple of months and earn a good score. How much work/reading is involved and how tough is the class. I have taken AP U.S. history and received a 5 on the exam and I've heard that an AP U.S. history background helps...</p>
<p>so... do you think I can do it? What books should I buy and how much work can expect?</p>
<p>I’m currently studying AP US Gov right now. The information is very straightforward. If you’re taking/have taken APUSH then you’ll see that these two courses go hand in hand. My advice to you is to buy an AP textbook (i’m using Wilson and Dilulio’s American Government–its a decent text) and like a princeton review or barron’s ap prep book to use</p>
<p>first, take the diagnostic test on sparknotes and see where you’re at
next, read through the textbook (about a chapter a two per week depending on when you start)
then, read through the prep book and take notes on stuff that you need to
finally, get a bunch of practice tests and just practice, practice, practice</p>
<p>the frq is pretty straightfoward and the multiple choice is usually something where you can intuitively guess the right answer if you dont know it</p>
<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>
<p>Thanks! I think I’ll get a prep book, take some practice tests and see how I do. If I’m feeling confident, I’ll just keep studying from prep books and if not, I’ll get a textbook as well. I took the sparknotes online test like you suggested, just to see how much overlap there is with AP U.S. history, and though I definitely noticed some, there is obviously a TON of new stuff. I got a 2.
ha… but then again, I’ve never taken a government class, let alone an AP government class, so I can deal with a 2. :)</p>
<p>you can study it yourself the class is honestly a waste of my time… I will admit my attendance is lacking in that class and I still have a 98% average so I’m not concerned. Being use to IB classes verses AP the course work seems like a joke ( I know thats harsh). But honestly if you just get a review book as other people have said then there is not a point in taking the class just study then take the exam. There is no way you can fail its straight forward memorization same goes for the AP pysch test I took it last year after taking my 1st year of IB psych and aced it just study to the book.</p>