<p>2.3.10.a. What is wrong with the following equation?</p>
<p>(x^2 + x - 6) /(x-2) = x+3</p>
<p>2.3.10.b. In view of part (a), explain why the equation</p>
<p>lim<a href="(x%5E2%20+x%20-%206)%20/(x-2)">x->2</a> = lim<a href="x+3">x->2</a></p>
<p>2.3.16. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="(x%5E2%20-%204x)%20/(x%5E2%20-%203x%20-%204)">x->-1</a></p>
<p>2.3.18. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="(x%5E3%20-%201)%20/(x%5E2%20-1)">x->1</a></p>
<p>2.3.20. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="((2%20+%20h)%5E3%20-%208)%20/h">h->0</a></p>
<p>2.3.26. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="(1/t%20-%20(1%20/(t%5E2+t)))">t->0</a></p>
<p>2.3.28. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="(((3%20+%20h)%5E-1)%20-%203%5E-1)%20/h">h->0</a></p>
<p>2.3.29. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim[t->0] ((1 /(t*sqrt(1+t)) - 1/t)</p>
<p>2.3.30. Evaluate the limit, if it exists.</p>
<p>lim<a href="(sqrt(x)%20-%20x%5E2)%20/(1%20-%20sqrt(x))">x->1</a></p>