Self-studying for AP Lit and Lang. Has anyone done it?

I want to self-study for both exams (AP English Lit and Lang)…I really don’t want to buy a prep book though, I’ve spent enough on prep books that I never used.
However in my library they have AP English Lit Cliffsnotes…is that any good?
And AP English Language 5 steps to a 5 2010-2011 edition.
Oh and they also have Cliffsnotes 4th edition for Lang.And Kaplan 2014 for both. And Barron’s 2013 Lang. (The Kaplan and Barrons would be a bit more difficult for me to get a hold of, It would be a different process since those two are not already there at the library, but can be ordered from a different area).

Anyways, what I think I’m going to do is read sample essays from collegeboard…so basically the real help I need is on multiple choice. If any of you know a good website that offers practice exams (multiple choice) for these two AP Exams, let me know…? Please? Haha. Well thanks for taking your time to read all this!

Oh right, my question: what did you all do to self-study for either or both of these exams?