seller/witte dorm rooms

<p>edit: obv meant sellery in title not seller...</p>

<p>does any1 know where i can get a good look at what the inside of the dorm rooms are like?
specifically im looking for a picture of the desks that are in the rooms </p>

<p>i already know where the stuff is located in the rooms but i want to see the inside</p>


<p>[Residence</a> hall move-in « UW-Madison Photo Library](<a href=“]Residence”></p>

<p>That’s a bookcase on top of the desk. It is removable - some kids place the bookcases on the ledge on either side of the window (where the curtains are in the picture.</p>

<p>@barrons thanks for pic
@madison85 thank god that thing is removable i was a bit worried</p>

<p>i want nothing to do with that bookcase</p>

<p>another question</p>

<p>say i wanted to mount a tv on the wall would i get in trouble for drilling those holes and whatnot? i got a 23 inch tv i want to mount right above the desk if at all possible</p>

<p>Check the dorm websites for the lofting guides as well as the other photos on the Res Halls website. Of course you can’t drill holes in the walls, nor can you deface them in other ways. You rent, not own your space.</p>

<p>You won’t be mounting a TV to the wall, nor drilling holes. I wouldn’t over-plan your room yet. Your roommate’s ideas and the practicalities of the room won’t really be clear until move in day.</p>

<p>If your parents made you choose University Housing, and you wanted something different, then drill away because Housing will actually “help” you move out if you drill holes!</p>

<p>To each his own, but I would suggest having fun this summer and stop worrying about a bookcase on a desk and whether you can mount a TV in the dorm room.</p>

<p>good info here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Both dorm rooms are 12 x 16.4. Not much bigger than a prison cell.</p>

<p>Rules at [Student/Community</a> Expectations | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“Community Basketball Night – University Housing – UW–Madison”>Rules & Expectations – University Housing – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>Avg 2 man cell is 9x12 feet or 108 sf. Dorm is 197 SF so it is small but not THAT small. If beds are lofted it gets very acceptable.</p>

<p>Ok, I stand corrected. I saw the rooms 2 weeks ago and they’re small no matter how you arrange the furniture. Bunk beds? What, are we 5? And if you’re room faces the western sun get an A/C. You’ll thank your parents or whoever pays the bill. 30 weeks and I’m outta there.</p>

<p>All I can say is many loft there beds first thing. If you wanted a fancier room there are many options including off campus private housing. Nobody has to live in the dorms. They are typical 60’s dorm rooms you’ll see all over the US.</p>

<p>This is why you dont choose sellery or witte…</p>

<p>^^I didn’t choose either one. Trying to switch to Ogg or Smith, my org choices, but have not hope of that. Room is only a place to crash so I’ll manage.</p>

<p>Trust me, Ogg and Smith are not places you want to start out in. What’s great about Witte and Sellery is that your room isn’t a place you want to hang out a ton, which gets you involved in campus events and activities, and allows you to make new friends and meet new people. Sure, Smith and Ogg are beautiful and they have great rooms, but having worked in Smith I know the residents rarely leave their rooms and seem pretty bored because of it.</p>

<p>Welcome to the real world, albeit that of college. Dorms are meant to be affordable accommodations for most, not luxury accommodations. You had opportunities to view the dorm info before you ever signed a contract, or even applied to UW. It certainly won’t harm you to share a smaller space than you wish. btw- you can’t bring your own air conditioner (hint- consider the power consumption if you and everybody else who wanted one brought one- think blown fuses). You are renting space conveniently on campus, you need to follow the rules you agreed to. Go in with a positive attitude and you will enjoy your experience much more than if you nitpick the minor details. With all there is to do academically and otherwise on campus you shouldn’t even need a tv to occupy your time. You may want to reconsider the convenience of the bookshelf placement as well. Do not waste your summer obsessing about your dorm. You don’t need to loft your bed- that wasn’t even an option years ago- but you do get more floor space that way.</p>

<p>True you can’t bring your own AC but you can pay housing a fee to have one installed.</p>

<p>My understanding was that A/C was only available to those with a medical need- not generally available in most dorms. btw- 1st floors of Liz Waters had it a few years ago since the building is built partly underground- it helped prevent mold issues.</p>

<p>damn … really wanted to mount the tv</p>

<pre><code>it has a stand too though so all its not lost

<p>whats wrong with planning out my dorm room ahead of time i dont see what the problem is</p>

<p>but apparently i am wasting my summer away thinking ahead with a few questions</p>

<p>You also need to consider your future roommate’s wishes. Your dream dorm room may infringe on his rights and tastes. Wait and see how your lifestyle evolves. What is important to you now may be off your radar then.</p>

<p>how would what i want to do with my desk infringe on his space?</p>

<p>im not even worrying about the layout of the dorm or even where the desk will located just what is on/right above the desk itself</p>

<p>Sigh, all this concern about mounting your TV…</p>