Selling Chem 1A Books for cheap!

<p>I purchased the Chem 1A package 4 days ago and have since decided to drop the course. This is after, of course, I decided to register my Mastering Chemistry access code, making the package nonreturnable to the bookstore.</p>

<p>I am selling the textbook, Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, the solutions manual, and the $10 iClicker coupon for cheap! I realize you would have to buy an access code separately for this ($65). Therefore I will be selling my books for less than $75 to save you money on your Chem 1A course materials ($65 you pay for MChem Code + <$75 books = cheaper than buying the package at the bookstore).</p>

<p>Wow that sucks (about the non-refundable part). Out of curiosity, why have you decided to drop Chem 1A just 3 days into the semester?</p>