Semester System vs. Quarter System

<p>When applying to the UC's (Berkeley, Davis, and LA), I noticed that Berkeley and Merced are on the semester system, and the rest are on the quarter system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?</p>

<p>We get out mid-May. All the quarter system people get out mid-June. Enough said ^^</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call it a problem though. A quarter will keep you more attentive and you’ll finish the classes you don’t like much faster. A semester has you going to classes you are pretty much forced to take for your major and whether or not you like them, you have to stick it out for the entire 16 weeks.
I say the disadvantage to quarter is like what Hominid said in the end. But if you feel like you’re up to the quicker pace, then the quarter system is fine. (Though the East Coast college people like to scoff at the quarter system for some reason)</p>

<p>However, a lot of my midterms fall the week or two after spring break so I can’t fully enjoy them.</p>

<p>I feel like you can take a lot more classes with the quarter system for elective than with semester</p>

<p>For both Berkeley and other schools, general intro courses are divided into sections that are taught by different profs. At Berkeley, this is often 5 week sections taught by different professors for a total of 3 professors. At other schools, this is like 2-3 week sections taught by diff profs so you really don’t get to know them that well.</p>

<p>It’s what I have heard from friends… I’m not sure about the details</p>

<p>Well, tbqh, it’s not like I got to know Feldman really well after these 5 weeks. lol</p>

<p>^ unless you go to his/her office hours practically every time it’s available and stay there for hours and ask endless questions or talk about life, which some people do, lol. gets really annoying especially when others are waiting w/ questions.</p>

<p>You know…sometimes I get worried cuz people are like YOU HAVE TO KNOW YOUR TEACHERS NOW FOR RECS IN THE FUTURE!!! But I don’t really want to spend my free time in office hours every week talking about my life and their lives…haha I go because I honestly don’t understand or have questions about the materials and that’s it…</p>

<p>^ yup, or the professors you’re doing research or working for.</p>

<p>Leftist- are you saying it’s a problem that quarter system keeps you on your toes? Or it’s a problem that semester doesn’t?</p>

<p>Got it. I would like to be able to relax instead of jumping from major test to major test. But I think being accepted is what I should focus on now. Three more weeks!</p>